Better experience in portrait mode.
13 Aplikasi Berbahaya yang Dihapus Google, Segera Uninstall Jika Ada di Ponselmu!

"13 Dangerous Applications Removed by Google, Immediately Uninstall If They Exist on Your Mobile!"

"Dream - McAfee Mobile Research Team recently discovered 25 applications infected with Xamalicious malware. Some of these applications were reported to be distributed through the Google Play Store. According to BGR, McAfee researchers explained that Xamalicious is an Android backdoor built on the open-source Xamarin application platform."

Infection Xamalocious

The infected Xamalocious application uses social engineering tactics to obtain access rights, where at that time the device starts communicating with the command and control server.

Infection Xamalocious

The server then downloads the second payload to the phone which takes full control of the device and potentially performs fraudulent actions such as clicking on ads, installing applications, and other financially motivated actions without the user's consent.

13 Aplikasi Berbahaya yang Dihapus Google, Segera Uninstall Jika Ada di Ponselmu!

"The use of the Xamarin framework allows malware creators to remain active and undetected for a long time, by leveraging the process of creating APK files that function as packaging to hide malicious code,"  

Team Mobile Research McAfee.

13 Aplikasi Berbahaya yang Dihapus Google, Segera Uninstall Jika Ada di Ponselmu!

"In addition, malware creators also implement various techniques of camouflage and special encryption to exfiltrate data and communicate with command and control servers," he continued.

Google itself has deleted those applications, but it is possible that those applications still exist on your mobile phone. If so, you must delete them as soon as possible and monitor your accounts.

13 Aplikasi Berbahaya yang Dihapus Google, Segera Uninstall Jika Ada di Ponselmu!
13 Aplikasi Berbahaya yang Dihapus Google, Segera Uninstall Jika Ada di Ponselmu!

"Although Google has removed it, they cannot delete those applications from your phone if you have already downloaded them."

The following are the infected applications that have been removed from Google Play:Essential Horoscope for Android – 100,000 downloads3D Skin Editor for PE Minecraft – 100,000 downloadsLogo Maker Pro – 100,000 downloadsAuto Click Repeater – 10,000 downloadsCount Easy Calorie Calculator – 10,000 downloadsSound Volume Extender – 5,000 downloadsLetterLink – 1,000 downloads

NUMEROLOGY: PERSONAL HOROSCOPE & NUMBER PREDICTIONS – 1,000 downloads Step Keeper: Easy Pedometer – 500 downloads Track Your Sleep – 500 downloads Sound Volume Booster – 100 downloads Astrological Navigator: Daily Horoscope & Tarot – 100 downloads Universal Calculator – 100 downloads

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