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"Be careful, recognize and understand the symptoms of Long Cold"

Hati-Hati, Kenali dan Pahami Gejala Long Cold

Dream - Since the Covid-19 pandemic ended, more and more people have been having difficulty recovering from flu or colds. There are quite a few people who experience it for more than a month.

Hati-Hati, Kenali dan Pahami Gejala Long Cold

The research results show that Covid-19 infection as well as other respiratory virus infections can cause symptoms that persist for more than a month after being infected.

Then, the respiratory infection experienced for approximately a month is called a long cold. Long cold has symptoms similar to the flu or common cold, such as fatigue, cough, shortness of breath, dizziness, difficulty concentrating, memory problems, digestive disorders, difficulty sleeping, loss of taste and smell function, experiencing hair loss, sweating, and increased heart rate.

Penyebab Long Cold

Causes of Long Cold

Actually, according to Infectious Disease Specialist, William Schaffner, most people recover from a common cold within a week.

"Nevertheless, some people experience symptoms that last longer, even for several weeks or more. Certain health conditions such as asthma can also cause a long cold."

How to Treat Long Cold

How to Treat Long Cold

Overcoming a long cold is not much different from treating the flu or a common cold. Make sure Sahabat Dream gets enough rest. Especially if you have been tired before experiencing a long cold.

Avoid forcing yourself to engage in activities, especially activities that require more energy, and give your body time to recover. In addition, it is also important to maintain fluid balance in the body by drinking enough water to stay hydrated.

Hati-Hati, Kenali dan Pahami Gejala Long Cold

Lastly, do stretching or light exercise such as yoga or walking to help restore body functions and accelerate the healing process.

If the body condition improves but suddenly the long cold relapses, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor. Symptoms such as cough, difficulty breathing, fever, or chest pain could be signs of a serious infection such as pneumonia, so Sahabat Dream still needs to monitor the body condition until fully recovered, yes.

Report Amanda Syavira/Source: is available on WhatsApp Channel, follow to find out the latest information at this link

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