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Try Vertical Diet, Eat a Lot of Red Meat but Make Your Body Slim

Try Vertical Diet, Eat a Lot of Red Meat but Make Your Body Slim

"Dream - The concept of diet has become increasingly diverse over time. One of them is the vertical diet. This diet can be a solution for those who want to achieve their ideal weight while still considering the aspects of body health."

Coba Diet Vertikal,  Banyak Makan Daging Merah tapi Bikin Tubuh Langsing
Coba Diet Vertikal,  Banyak Makan Daging Merah tapi Bikin Tubuh Langsing

In addition to weight loss, vertical diet also has a specific goal, which is to improve body composition through increased metabolism to achieve the desired body shape.

What is Vertical Diet?

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The concept of vertical diet was created by a professional bodybuilder, Stan Efferding. Vertical diet itself is an eating pattern that focuses on consuming nutrient-dense solid foods that are easily digested."

Apa itu Diet Vertikal?

This diet is intended to increase metabolism, improve digestion, and build muscles. Therefore, this diet is often followed by people who desire a muscular body.

Coba Diet Vertikal,  Banyak Makan Daging Merah tapi Bikin Tubuh Langsing

"Vertical diet is limiting food variations to enhance nutrient absorption."
According to Scott Keatley, Nutritionist.


"Food for Vertical Diet"

In a vertical diet, the consumption of red meat and white rice is emphasized. The main protein in this diet comes from low-fat red meat.

Makanan Untuk Diet Vertikal

Meanwhile, the main carbohydrates are white rice and low FODMAP vegetables (difficult to absorb carbohydrates) such as carrots, cucumbers, and spinach. For fat, it can be obtained from eggs and dairy products. The fruits that can be consumed in this diet are oranges and blueberries.

"Foods to Avoid"

Albert Matheny, the founder of SoHo Strength Lab, suggests avoiding certain types of food when undergoing a vertical diet. The foods that should be avoided are red rice, vegetable oil, soy, peanuts, peas, garlic, coffee, and sugar alcohol.


"It is also recommended to avoid vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower, as well as high FODMAP fruits such as apples, cherries, and pears," said Matheny."

Coba Diet Vertikal,  Banyak Makan Daging Merah tapi Bikin Tubuh Langsing

"Vertical Diet Benefits"

This vertical diet can help you overcome digestive problems. In addition, this diet often makes the body feel better overall.

Manfaat Diet Vertikal

A nutrition expert, Jessica Cording, said that this diet is also known for its high protein content which can support muscle growth. Reducing sugar consumption in this diet is also considered good for overall body health.

"Vertical Diet Weaknesses"

"You will lose many micronutrients by limiting starch intake only to rice, especially minerals and some healthy fats," says Keatley."

Kelemahan Diet Vertikal

Cording also agrees that the low fiber content in this diet can have negative effects on digestive health. A very restrictive diet can also cause you to lose important nutrients. Excessive consumption of red meat is often associated with health risks, such as an increased risk of cancer. Report: Aisyah Cryshanty/ Source:

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