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"4 Tips to Avoid Bloated Stomach, New Year's Eve Celebration Will Be More Enjoyable"

4 Tips to Avoid Bloated Stomach, New Year's Eve Celebration Will Be More Enjoyable

Dream - Just a few hours away, the new year of 2024 will soon greet people around the world. New year celebrations usually involve gathering together and enjoying activities such as barbecuing meats or indulging in traditional food.

However, in the midst of the excitement of the New Year's dinner party, sometimes we are faced with an unfriendly stomach condition. Yup, digestive problems like bloating can come and ruin the cheerful moments on New Year's Eve.

4 Tips to Avoid Bloated Stomach, New Year's Eve Celebration Will Be More Enjoyable

"Bloating is also a condition when someone feels full and uncomfortable due to gas. This then causes stomach pain, stomach rumbling, and even more frequent flatulence than usual. It's certainly very uncomfortable during gatherings, right? To avoid bloating, let's take a look at tips that you can do so that the New Year celebration party becomes more enjoyable!"

1. Eat Slowly

In events like New Year's celebrations, we often consume more food than our actual body capacity, which then causes bloating.

<b>1.	Makan Perlahan</b>

To prevent it, let's try to practice mindful eating even when attending parties. Avoid eating in a hurry, while traveling, or not eating at the dining table. Take your time while eating and chew your food properly, don't swallow it immediately to avoid bloating.

2. Don't Delay Meal Time

Have Sahabat Dream ever held back from eating until the party event started? Usually this is done so that someone can eat to their heart's content at the party event. If so, please don't repeat this habit.

2. Don't Delay Meal Time

When you hold hunger all day, you will tend to eat more and quickly. This is what then causes bloating, even excessive discomfort.

4 Tips to Avoid Bloated Stomach, New Year's Eve Celebration Will Be More Enjoyable

As an alternative, you can eat in small portions while waiting for the party to start, so that digestion will be better. Don't forget to also avoid foods that cause bloating such as excessive fat, sugar, and sodium, okay!

3. Identify the Triggers of Bloating

The best way to avoid bloating during a party is by knowing your own body. You need to know which foods are safe or can actually trigger bloating in the stomach.

<b>3.	Kenali Pemicu Kembung</b>

You can ask the responsible relatives who provide the dishes at the party about the ingredients contained in the food you want to eat. If that is not possible, you can also observe the food directly.

4 Tips to Avoid Bloated Stomach, New Year's Eve Celebration Will Be More Enjoyable

Some foods that often cause bloating include green beans, pinto beans, broccoli, legumes, lentils, garlic, and many more. So, you need to be more careful in choosing your food.

Therefore, to avoid it, try to reduce alcohol intake or drink it in between meal times. Also, make sure your body stays hydrated, because water can help flush out toxins and prevent bloating.

4.\tBanyak Bergerak translates to "4.\tMany Moves" in English.

After finishing eating and drinking, try not to just sit still or sit down, Sahabat Dream. Do some light physical activities, such as taking a walk, to improve your digestion and reduce bloating. Come on, try this tip! Report by Marha Adani Putri / Source: Food NDTV.

4 Tips to Avoid Bloated Stomach, New Year's Eve Celebration Will Be More Enjoyable
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