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Stuck Pada Gadget Berjam-jam, Efeknya ke Fisik dan Mental<br>

"Stuck on Gadgets for Hours, Its Effects on Physical and Mental Health"

Stuck Pada Gadget Berjam-jam, Efeknya ke Fisik dan Mental

Dream - Currently, gadgets dominate every aspect of life, from work to entertainment. Not only adults, even underage children also enjoy the facilities provided by these electronic devices.

In response to this, parents usually set limits or specific time periods for their children to play with gadgets, in order to protect them from its negative effects. The negative impacts of playing with gadgets for too long are not only on children, but also on adults.

Stuck Pada Gadget Berjam-jam, Efeknya ke Fisik dan Mental

To avoid the negative effects of spending too much time playing with gadgets, you need to know how long adults should spend in front of the screen. Let's find out more.

"Average Usage of Gadgets in Adults"

Adults tend to have better self-control compared to children. This does not mean that they can automatically limit the use of gadgets.


According to the digital report of 2023, on average adults aged 16-64 spend 6 hours 37 minutes per day in front of screens. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the average American adult spends 28.5 hours per week in front of screens for entertainment purposes.

Stuck Pada Gadget Berjam-jam, Efeknya ke Fisik dan Mental

Regardless of the high usage of gadgets by adults, screen time limits for children should still be stricter than for adults. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends time restrictions for children under five years old, while for adults, it is only necessary to focus on media quality and consistent rule-making.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "Negative Impact of Excessive Gadget Usage "

Although adults do not have specific rules for using gadgets, it does not mean that excessive digital media is not dangerous for them. Staring at the screen for too long can hinder physical activity and sleep, causing risks of high blood pressure, insulin resistance, obesity, as well as physical impacts such as neck pain, headaches, eye strain, and sleep disturbances.

You need to know that not all screen time will have negative impacts. Zoey Yue, PhD, a researcher at the Digital Wellness Lab, emphasizes that intentional and regulated screen usage, such as exercising or taking mindfulness classes, can have different effects.

"Spending too much time in front of screens, especially if it replaces important activities like sleeping, doing school assignments, or social interactions, will have detrimental effects on mental health," said Yue.

Stuck Pada Gadget Berjam-jam, Efeknya ke Fisik dan Mental

"How to Reduce Time in Front of the Screen"

1. Stop staring at gadgets while having a direct conversation with someone. 2. Turn off unnecessary notifications. 3. Set time limits for all devices, including television and e-readers. 4. Establish a "bedtime" for gadgets, such as not using them two hours before sleeping. 5. Avoid eating while using gadgets.

6. Do not use gadgets in the bedroom. 7. Take a break from computer work every 30 minutes. 8. Limit the time spent on social media. Report by Marha Adani Putri / Source:

Stuck Pada Gadget Berjam-jam, Efeknya ke Fisik dan Mental
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