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Fresh Look of Feni Rose Wearing Colorful Skirt
Fresh Look of Feni Rose Wearing Colorful Skirt Feni Rose (Photo: @fenirose)

Dream - Bright colors seem to be the hallmark of presenter Feni Rose after wearing hijab. Like her interesting outfit that caught attention some time ago, which looked fresh in all pink.

Feni Rose (Photo: @fenirose)

Feni appears to be wearing a colorful abstract patterned skirt that combines the colors lilac, hot pink, soft pink, and irish blue. The colorful skirt is paired with a hot pink shirt top that looks harmonious.

Feni Rose (Photo: @fenirose)

The hot pink shirt top has a classic cut with simple straight sleeves. Feni added a light pink cuff to ensure that her hand's aura is maintained if the shirt sleeves are lifted.

For the hijab, Feny chose a lavender color that matches the lilac touch on her skirt. This lavender hijab is styled simply with one tie in front of the neck and one side left to dangle in front.

Sweet Outfit of Feni Rose with Pink Nuance, Suitable for Vacation

Dream - Presenter Feni Rose is relatively new to wearing hijab, but her style in combining outfits deserves praise. Feni often appears exciting when she is a presenter or during her daily hangouts.

Feni Rose (Photo: @fenirose)

The clothes she wears tend to be colorful with bold color combinations. This time, the color worn by Feni Rose is quite eye-catching. The hot pink color is striking but also gives a sweet and feminine impression.

Feni Rose (Photo: @fenirose)

She wears a hot pink tunic with a loose cut that is comfortable, suitable for hanging out or vacation outfits. This top is adorned with beautiful orange flowers.

Feni Rose (Photo: @fenirose)

Feni combines her outfit with a soft pink pashmina hijab, which looks sweet. This Rumpi show presenter wears cutbray jeans and casual white sandals. A simple and comfortable look, perfect for spending a long weekend vacation.

Feni Rose's Story of Deciding to Wear Hijab: Because of Love for Allah

Dream - Feni Rose revealed her reason for deciding to wear hijab after performing umrah. The 49-year-old presenter admitted that she chose to wear hijab solely because of her love for Allah.

"Because of love, but not for humans, it's (the feeling of love) for Allah. It's really beautiful," said Feni Rose quoted from YouTube Trans TV, Monday, May 22, 2023.

She emphasized that there was no coercion in her decision to wear hijab. Everything was done only to protect Allah's blessings. "I'm just following what's in my heart," said Feni Rose.

This gossip show presenter is also grateful that many people prayed for her after wearing hijab. She even feels that there are still many good people who support her.

Feni Rose

Photo: @fenirose

"Masha Allah, there are so many good people, pray for the best for everyone who has given support and the best prayers. That's what I gather as something beautiful and happy, and I celebrate it," she added.

However, Feni Rose does not deny that there are also people who criticize her. They don't like her decision to wear hijab and even argue about her new appearance.

Feni Rose

Photo: @fenirose

"There are a few people who, in my opinion, say 'oh no'. (They say) it should be like this, it should be like that. But, Masha Allah, there are many people who help answer," Feni said.

Feni always responds to criticism carefully. She doesn't want to respond recklessly to negative comments about her decision to wear hijab in order to avoid disputes.

"Because I want to keep this feeling beautiful in my heart," she added.

Photos of Gossip Presenter Feni Rose Wearing Hijab After Umrah, Astonishing

Dream - There is something different about Feni Rose's appearance after returning from umrah. The gossip show presenter is seen wearing a hijab.

Her appearance is even seen when Feni hosts the Rumpi show. In an Instagram post, Feni looks beautiful wearing a hijab and colorful clothes.

The presenter, born on November 1, 1973, looks very charming and confident with the hijab outfit.

Here are photos of Feni Rose wearing hijab after returning from umrah:

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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