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Langkah-Langkah Menjaga Kesehatan Mata, Suka Disepelekan Namun Dampaknya Besar

"Steps to Maintain Eye Health, Often Underestimated but the Impact is Significant"

Langkah-Langkah Menjaga Kesehatan Mata, Suka Disepelekan Namun Dampaknya Besar

Dream - The eyes are organs of the body that are greatly influenced by genetic factors and age. If not properly cared for, the ability of the eyes can decrease and Sahabat Dream will have difficulty seeing objects clearly in front of the eyes.

Langkah-Langkah Menjaga Kesehatan Mata, Suka Disepelekan Namun Dampaknya Besar

Many people try to maintain eye health by consuming carrots frequently because of the vitamin A content in them. However, maintaining eye health is not only relying on one solution alone.

Because of its very vital function in helping our activities, let's follow some tips to maintain and optimize the function of the eyes in the long term.


"Healthy Food Consumption"

Start taking care of your eyes by paying attention to daily food intake.

"Healthy Food for the Eyes"

Foods that contain omega 3 fatty acids, lutein, zinc, vitamin C and E can be very helpful. Sahabat Dream can consume vegetables, various types of fish, eggs, nuts, non-animal protein sources, as well as fruits to maintain eye quality and function.

Berhenti Merokok

"Quit Smoking"

"Smoking not only endangers the health of the body, but also the eyes. Your vision ability can decline if you are accustomed to smoking."

"Furthermore, such habits also increase the risk of cataracts, damage to the optic nerves, and macular degeneration."

Wear Sunglasses

Excessive exposure to UV rays increases the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. Wearing glasses that have UV filters will help prevent various vision disorders. Choose glasses that block 99-100% of UVA and UVB rays. Circular lenses can help protect the eyes from the sides.

Use Eye Protection When Working

If working in an environment exposed to hazardous or dusty materials, Dream friends must wear protective glasses. In addition, sports such as ice hockey, racquetball, and lacrosse can also cause eye injuries. Wear eye protection and a helmet with a face mask or sports goggles with polycarbonate lenses for added safety.

"Avoid Computer Screens"

Staring at a computer or mobile screen for too long can make your eyes tired, vision blurry, difficulty focusing on a certain distance, dry eyes, headaches, as well as pain in the neck, back, or shoulders.

The excessive use of gadgets can also have an impact on body posture and overall health, so control their usage, yes.

"Tips Protecting Your Eyes"

Make sure the glasses or contact lenses you are using are still suitable for your eye condition in order to have optimal vision when working in front of a computer screen. If you experience symptoms such as fatigue or persistent tension, it is advisable to consult an eye doctor immediately to use special glasses.

Langkah-Langkah Menjaga Kesehatan Mata, Suka Disepelekan Namun Dampaknya Besar

In addition, it is important to adjust the position of the computer screen so that the eyes are level with the top of the monitor. Choosing a comfortable chair can also help reduce tension on the eyes and body.

Langkah-Langkah Menjaga Kesehatan Mata, Suka Disepelekan Namun Dampaknya Besar

If your eyes feel dry, try blinking or using eye drops. In addition, rest your eyes every 20 minutes by looking at a distance of 20 feet for 20 seconds.

Finally, don't forget to regularly visit an eye doctor for routine check-ups. Report from Amanda Syavira / Source: is available on WhatsApp Channel, follow to get the latest information on this link

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