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Tubuh Makin Fit dan Langsing, Coba Cara Jepang Hara Hachi Bu<br>

Body Becoming Fit and Slim, Try the Japanese Method Hara Hachi Bu

Body Becomes Fitter and Slimmer, Try the Japanese Method

Dream - Maintaining weight may be difficult for some people. Sometimes it's just about restricting food, whereas what is needed is more than that.

Body Becomes Fitter and Slimmer, Try the Japanese Method

There are many ways to maintain weight. One that can be tried is the Japanese concept, called "Hara Hachi Bu," which originated from Okinawa, Japan.

What is Hara Hachi Bu?

If you have ever heard "Stop eating before you're full," then Hara Hachi Bu is quite similar to that concept. This method will involve awareness to better understand the feeling of fullness, so you can better control how much food enters your stomach.


"Preventing Overeating"

Counting calories is indeed the most effective way to maintain weight, but this method is considered troublesome because we do not always know how many grams of food portions we consume. The Hara Hachi Bu method emphasizes portion control by leaving a little feeling of hunger when stopping eating.


Originating From Okinawa, Japan

Residents of Okinawa are known for their healthy lifestyle. They consume mostly low-calorie but nutrient-rich food, and this is considered in line with the Hara Hachi Bu method. By implementing this, the life expectancy in Okinawa is relatively high.


The translation of the Bahasa text "Manfaat Hara Hachi Bu" to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "Benefits of Hara Hachi Bu".

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "The Hara Hachi Bu eating pattern method is to maintain weight. Not only that, another benefit when you have overcome the habit of overeating is that digestion will feel smoother and more comfortable, thus avoiding excessive blood sugar problems."


"How to Apply It"

In order for you to feel full when eating with this method, try practicing by applying the following things: Use small plates or bowls that suggest to yourself that you have eaten a lot, Chew your food longer than usual, Stop eating when you are already 80% full.

Body Becomes Fitter and Slimmer, Try the Japanese Method

Report: Monica Alycia Mutiara Source: TimesofIndia.

Body Becomes Fitter and Slimmer, Try the Japanese Method
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