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List of Best and Worst Foods for Skin, Pay Attention so it Always Stays Smooth

List of the Best and Worst Foods for Skin, Pay Attention so it Always Stays Smooth

Dream - No one likes their skin to look dull and dry. To achieve healthy and glowing skin, we need to regularly use skincare as an external treatment and pay attention to what we eat as an internal treatment.

List of the Best and Worst Foods for Skin, Pay Attention so it Always Stays Smooth

Often, we are not aware that certain types of food and drinks should be avoided. Here are the best and worst foods for the skin that you need to know.

"Bad Food for the Skin 1: Dairy Products"

Products such as milk, cheese, and butter are sources of calcium, but they can have negative effects on the skin. Some studies have shown that excessive consumption of dairy products can increase insulin levels, which can trigger acne.


Bad Food for Skin 2: Fried Food

To have healthy and radiant skin, avoid fried foods. Because they are made with a lot of oil, these foods can cause inflammation and excessive oil production on the skin.


"Bad Food for Skin 3: Sweet Food"

Sugar does not provide good benefits for the body and can cause skin problems. Sugar can rapidly increase insulin levels, which potentially leads to various skin problems.

"The Best Food for Skin 1: Orange Fruit"

The following is the translation of the provided 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "The orange fruit is a good addition to skin care. It contains vitamin C, which helps in the production of collagen that is important for the skin."


"The Best Food for Skin 2: Walnuts"

Consuming a handful of walnuts every day can help naturally brighten the skin due to its high content of vitamin E.


Best Food for Skin 3: Green Leafy Vegetables

Green vegetables are rich in antioxidants that help eliminate free radicals from the skin, making the skin naturally radiant.

The Best Food for Skin 4: Green Tea and Flaxseeds

Green tea is a healthier choice than regular tea because it does not contain caffeine. Green tea contains vitamin E which is good for skin health. Flaxseeds are rich in antioxidants and can increase collagen production. Add flaxseeds to salads and smoothies to get healthier skin. Source: Food NDTV/Laporan: Aykaputri Amalia Rahmani

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