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Safe Ways to Drink Milk for Lactose Allergy Sufferers

Safe Ways to Drink Milk for Lactose Allergy Sufferers

Safe Ways to Drink Milk for Lactose Intolerant Individuals

Dream - Drinking milk becomes a habit that can provide many benefits for health. This source of nutrition, rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, calcium, and energy, if balanced with good nutrition intake, can have a positive impact on our health.

"Consuming milk is important, as it functions for the growth and development of the body, especially for bones and teeth. The milk drinking pattern can be adjusted according to each individual's needs,"

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags is: "words from Dr. Farhan Zubedi in a written statement, MilkLife Launches Lactose-Free Choco Hazelnut Flavor Variant received by Dream."

Safe Ways to Drink Milk for Lactose Intolerant Individuals

"Lactose Allergy"

Not everyone can consume cow's milk. One common problem related to milk is lactose allergy. Lactose allergy is a condition where someone experiences difficulty in digesting lactose, the natural sugar found in milk. This occurs due to a lack of the lactase enzyme in the body, which should function to convert lactose into glucose and galactose, substances that are easier to digest.


"It happens because in someone's body there is a lack of lactase enzyme which should convert lactose into glucose and galactose. If there is no lactase, it means that lactose cannot be digested and will reach the large intestine. This is where fermentation occurs by bacteria in the large intestine, which can cause symptoms."

add dr. Farhan Zubedi.

Safe Ways to Drink Milk for Lactose Intolerant Individuals
Sebabkan Perut Kembung dan Diare

"Causes of Bloated Stomach and Diarrhea"

The body's condition lacks the enzyme lactase, lactose cannot be properly digested, causing bacteria in the large intestine to ferment lactose, which can cause various symptoms such as diarrhea, bloating, stomach cramps, and gas.

Konsumsi Susu Bebas Laktosa

"Consumption of Lactose-Free Milk"

Therefore, people who suffer from lactose intolerance need to limit or avoid consuming regular milk. To address this issue, Milklife produces lactose-free milk variants. This milk has been specially processed to be more easily digested by those who are intolerant to lactose.

"The lactose-free variant (bebas laktosa) from Milklife is formulated through an enzymatic process, making it safe to consume for those who are lactose intolerant and providing a comfortable feeling in the stomach. We ensure that all MilkLife Lactose Free variants are safe for lactose intolerant individuals, low in cholesterol, and contain protein.""

According to Soegiono, Head of Commercial PT Global Dairi Alami, Producer of MilkLife, in the same written statement.

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