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Ramaikan Belanja di Tanggal Kembar, JKT48 dan Shopee Dorong Transformasi Bisnis Brand Lokal & UMKM

"Spice Up Shopping on Twin Dates, JKT48 and Shopee Drive Local Brand & MSME Business Transformation"

Ramaikan Belanja di Tanggal Kembar, JKT48 dan Shopee Dorong Transformasi Bisnis Brand Lokal & UMKM

Dream - The phenomenon of twin dates always becomes the enthusiasm of the community to enjoy various special offers from online shopping platforms in the homeland.

Join in the moment of twin dates each month, e-commerce Shopee is ready to hold the Shopee 11.11 Big Sale that you can enjoy until November 11, 2023. This time, Shopee 11.11 Big Sale collaborates with JKT48 to encourage the progress of MSMEs to become more resilient, especially for local brands. The Shopping Festival with the biggest promotions that support local businesses can now be enjoyed from October 15 to November 11, 2023.

The presence of Shopee 11.11 Big Sale aims to encourage more consumers, businesses, and the community to utilize e-commerce, which is expected to be a step towards helping users achieve their dreams. Carrying the theme 'Transforming Dreams Together', Shopee 11.11 Big Sale wants to share joy that can be felt by the whole community through the presence of JKT48, who always provide inspiration on how they achieve their dreams.

Monica Vionna, as the Head of Marketing Growth Shopee Indonesia, said that this Shopee 11.11 Big Sale is a very special moment to strengthen its commitment in ensuring the benefits of e-commerce can be felt by anyone.

Ramaikan Belanja di Tanggal Kembar, JKT48 dan Shopee Dorong Transformasi Bisnis Brand Lokal & UMKM

He also expressed his luck in being at the forefront of this transformation and hopes to continue creating new opportunities for sellers. This can be seen from the success of the Shopee 10.10 campaign yesterday, where the number of products sold from local brands and SMEs increased more than ninefold at the peak of the campaign.

"\u201cThis year's 11.11 is intended to be a bigger shopping festival. Supporting the development of local brands and SMEs. With various programs presented, we want 11.11 to be able to bring spirit and hope to more people,\u201d explained Monica during a press conference on Tuesday, October 17, 2023, yesterday at Soehana Hall, South Jakarta."

Ramaikan Belanja di Tanggal Kembar, JKT48 dan Shopee Dorong Transformasi Bisnis Brand Lokal & UMKM
Ramaikan Belanja di Tanggal Kembar, JKT48 dan Shopee Dorong Transformasi Bisnis Brand Lokal & UMKM

The presence of four JKT48 members, namely Zee, Freya, Christy, and Gracia, also enlivened this shopping festival by contributing as the stars of Shopee 11.11 Big Sale advertisement, inspired by JKT48's song titled 'Heavy Rotation'.

They also expressed their happiness with the presence of Shopee, which makes it easier for them to meet their daily needs. "Through programs and interactive features, online shopping becomes enjoyable and beneficial. This is definitely highly anticipated, especially by us, the members of JKT48," said the members of JKT48 in unison.

"For JKT48 members, the complete selection of products in fashion, beauty, and the best promotions presented is the main reason for choosing Shopee as the right shopping platform. "Not only that, we can also support local brands and SMEs that have joined Shopee to further advance and empower," they added."

Also present at the event was Lira Krisnalisa as the Founder & Chief Creative Officer of Jenna&Kaia, who shared her business journey with Shopee.

Ramaikan Belanja di Tanggal Kembar, JKT48 dan Shopee Dorong Transformasi Bisnis Brand Lokal & UMKM

Ia menuturkan bahwa produknya merupakan modest brand yang mendukung kebebasan berekspresi untuk melengkapi kepribadaian dan keunikan setiap individu. "Jenna&Kaia telah menghadirkan berbagai koleksi untuk mendukung perempuan Indonesia dalam mengekplorasi gaya fashion mereka agar lebih percaya diri," kata Lira. Ia pun mengaku bahwa Shopee memiliki andil besar dalam menjangkau konsumen yang lebih luas, sehingga produk fashion yang diproduksi memiliki nilai dan kualitas yang tinggi. He stated that his product is a modest brand that supports freedom of expression to complement the personality and uniqueness of each individual. "Jenna&Kaia has presented various collections to support Indonesian women in exploring their fashion styles to become more confident," said Lira. She also admitted that Shopee has a significant role in reaching a wider range of consumers, so the fashion products produced have high value and quality.

Ramaikan Belanja di Tanggal Kembar, JKT48 dan Shopee Dorong Transformasi Bisnis Brand Lokal & UMKM

"Thus, to participate in enlivening the 11.11 Big Sale, we have prepared a number of attractive discounts through special offers and promotions, Magic Payday Up to 65% specifically from October 25-31, and Magic Price Up to 50% specifically from November 8-13 for Shopee users," Lira added in promoting.

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