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Kendalikan Rasa Lapar Malam Hari dengan 6 Trik Simpel<br>

Control Late Night Hunger with 6 Simple Tricks

Kendalikan Rasa Lapar Malam Hari dengan 6 Trik Simpel

Dream - The feeling of hunger often arises in the evening, and it is very difficult to avoid. Sometimes, the hunger makes us 'surrender'. Snacks and heavy meals are eventually consumed, even in excessive portions. The feeling of hunger in the evening often causes distress.

As we know, having dinner at night can make our stomach bloated and cause a significant weight gain. There are a few easy tips that can help you control your hunger at night. What are they? Let's take a look at the tricks.

<b>1.	Minum Air Putih</b>

1. Drink Water

Sometimes, the feeling of thirst can be mistaken for hunger. So, try to drink a glass of water when you feel hungry. This can help you determine whether you are actually hungry or just dehydrated.

2. Choose High Protein Foods

2. Choose High Protein Foods

Foods rich in protein take longer to digest. This can help you feel fuller for longer. Drean's friends can consume high-protein snacks such as boiled eggs, cheese, or lean meat and fish in small portions.

<b>3.	Konsumsi Buah dan Sayur</b>

3. Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are generally low in calories and high in fiber, making them a suitable choice if you want to snack at night. You can try slices of cucumber, carrot, or small-sized apple to fill your stomach.

<b>4.	Makan Perlahan</b>

4. Eat slowly

When eating, try to chew slowly, yes. This will help the brain to capture the signal of fullness, thus preventing you from overeating.

5. Drink Herbal Tea

5. Drink Herbal Tea

When feeling hungry, try drinking a cup of herbal tea, such as chamomile or peppermint. This can provide a calming effect on the stomach and help reduce hunger pangs.

Kendalikan Rasa Lapar Malam Hari dengan 6 Trik Simpel
<b>6.	Alihkan Perhatian</b>

6. Redirect Attention

When you feel hungry even though you have eaten enough, try to do activities that can distract your attention. Dream friends can read books, play puzzles, or do other activities that can calm your stomach. Report by Marha Adani Putri / Source: Fustany

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