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Sneak Peek at the E-Commerce Competition Map at the End of 2023, Apparently These are the Favorite Local Brands and SMEs

Closing out the past year of 2023, there were many festivities felt by the community. In addition to the lively Christmas and New Year celebrations, the presence of shopping parties added to the enjoyable atmosphere. If you pay attention, there is a trendy shopping trend that is favored. Yes, what else if not live streaming! Shopping through live streaming has become an exciting experience, thus increasing shopping activities. This trend is also utilized by local brands and SMEs in selling through e-commerce. E-commerce players like Shopee, TikTok, Tokopedia, and Lazada are racing to take on important roles in shaping this trend.

Strong support, especially for local brands and SMEs in the era of live streaming, becomes the main pillar for e-commerce players in driving a sustainable business ecosystem. In addition to the changes in people's shopping habits offered by the advancement of innovative features, the presence of new players and adaptation to the complexity of issues and new regulations also color the dynamics of the e-commerce competition map in Indonesia. So, to what extent is its impact on the dominance of other e-commerce players, especially by the end of 2023? Who will be the champion of live streaming competition in Indonesia?

Survei Terbaru Persaingan Marketplace

"Latest Survey of Marketplace Competition"

Seeing the digital market situation in the third quarter of 2023, IPSOS conducted a survey "Trends in Live Streaming E-commerce for Sellers" involving respondents who are mostly owners of local brands and micro, small, and medium enterprises (UMKM) in Indonesia who utilize various live streaming features on marketplaces through IPSOS Online Panel.

"Among the above e-commerce players, based on the latest survey results from IPSOS Indonesia as one of the leading global market research companies, it is revealed that out of the 3 main indicators, Shopee Live is the most preferred live streaming feature by local brands and SMEs. The indicators include:"

Sneak Peek at the E-Commerce Competition Map at the End of 2023, Apparently These are the Favorite Local Brands and SMEs

Shopee Live leads in the indicator of the most popular live streaming feature (Awareness) for local brands and MSMEs with a percentage of 96%, followed by TikTok Live (87%), Lazada Live (71%), and Tokopedia Play (62%).

Sneak Peek at the E-Commerce Competition Map at the End of 2023, Apparently These are the Favorite Local Brands and SMEs

Next, using the marketplace approach that has been most widely used in the last 3 months to market products through live streaming, Shopee Live (88%) was found to be selected again as the main channel, followed by TikTok Live (61%), Lazada Live (35%), and Tokopedia Play (27%).

Sneak Peek at the E-Commerce Competition Map at the End of 2023, Apparently These are the Favorite Local Brands and SMEs

The other aspect is how platforms can provide a market share of transaction value. In terms of Share of Value indicator, the majority of local brands & MSMEs choose Shopee Live (44%), followed by TikTok Live (28%), Lazada Live (17%), and Tokopedia Play (12%).

Andi Sukma, Executive Director of IPSOS Indonesia, said, "Throughout 2023, the innovations brought by e-commerce players have been the center of attention in the online selling experience. One of them, the phenomenon of live streaming, is not just an ordinary trend but a real manifestation of consumer behavior evolution and online selling strategies," he revealed.

He continued, "The dynamic competition and the issues regarding regulatory restrictions and the collaboration between two major players towards the end of 2023 have become interesting aspects for IPSOS in our research this time. We also observed how the presence of Shopee Live has dominated the live streaming market, especially for sellers who are mostly local brands and micro, small, and medium enterprises (UMKM). However, what are the attractions for sellers and other factors that serve as the basis for choosing a live streaming platform for selling? Certainly, we also revealed the excitement of fierce competition among e-commerce platforms in this research."

Daya Tarik Penjual Memilih Live Shopping yang Menjadi Tren Utama di 2023

The Attraction of Sellers Choosing Live Shopping as the Main Trend in 2023.

Every e-commerce player certainly competes to offer a platform with various advantages that can be utilized by business actors. In detail, the presence of real-time selling features provides many benefits for sellers, especially local brands and SMEs.

From Ipsos data, this live streaming sales platform has successfully provided an increase in turnover (73%), market reach expansion (68%), cost savings in promotion (64%), ease of interacting with customers online in real-time (60%), trusted by customers (59%), safer in transactions (49%), and feeling more superior in competition (37%). So, what are the aspects that sellers are looking for and influencing their preferences in choosing live streaming features on e-commerce platforms, and here is the distribution of their preferences:

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "Live streaming feature with interactive services"

One of the main advantages of live streaming is its ability to provide direct interaction between sellers and consumers. Through live streaming, local brands and SMEs can communicate in real-time, answer questions, and provide direct information to consumers. This engagement creates a shopping experience that is not only more personal but also leaves an unforgettable impression.

In terms of interactive services, IPSOS presents Shopee Live with 59%, demonstrating its significant advantage compared to TikTok Live (26%), Lazada Live (8%), and Tokopedia Play (7%) for local brands and MSMEs. Its contribution to the growth of local brands and MSMEs is unquestionable, with 62% of respondents acknowledging that Shopee Live is their preferred live streaming feature that helps them grow. This is followed by TikTok Live (26%), Tokopedia Play (7%), and Lazada Live (6%).

The following is the translation of the 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "The live streaming feature helps increase revenue."

More than half of local brands and MSMEs (62%) choose Shopee Live as the live streaming feature that provides the biggest increase in revenue for their businesses, followed by TikTok Live (26%), Tokopedia Play (7%), and Lazada Live (6%). This is in line with the findings of an IPSOS survey where Shopee Live is considered the live streaming platform that offers the most free shipping for local brands and MSMEs (65%), followed by TikTok Live (20%), Lazada Live (8%), and Tokopedia Play (7%).

Tinggi Antusiasme Penjual Brand Lokal dan UMKM dari Kategori Fashion dan Beauty

High Enthusiasm of Local Brand Sellers and MSMEs in the Fashion and Beauty Categories.

This study also shows the extent to which live streaming has become a diverse marketing tool in e-commerce. Local brand sellers and micro, small, and medium enterprises (UMKM) from various product categories have realized and applied live streaming in creating consumer engagement and becoming one of their sales strategies.

Through this survey, it was revealed that the majority of local brands and SMEs from the Fashion category (56%), Beauty, Care, & Health (39%), and Daily Products or FMCG (32%), as well as Lifestyle needs (17%), are the categories of sellers that utilize the live streaming feature of marketplace platforms the most. If we analyze the data above further, Fashion and Beauty categories, as the two main categories that are always in demand by the public. The development of these two categories also reveals how digital transformation has provided a new selling style through the popularity of live streaming on e-commerce platforms.

Based on the results of this survey, it shows that Shopee Live has once again successfully occupied the first rank and far ahead of the other three players as the chosen live streaming platform by local brands and SMEs in the fashion and beauty category.

Sneak Peek at the E-Commerce Competition Map at the End of 2023, Apparently These are the Favorite Local Brands and SMEs

With this data, it can be concluded that Shopee Live has become the main force in the live streaming ecosystem for the fashion and beauty industry, with the majority of local brands and SMEs. This platform is not only the top choice for sellers, especially local brands and SMEs, but also has a significant impact on transaction value in that category.

Andi Sukma closed, "Seeing the rapid growth and high enthusiasm of sellers, especially local brands and MSMEs, towards Shopee Live, the live streaming feature is apparently becoming an increasingly important part of the online shopping landscape in Indonesia. However, there is still great potential that Shopee can develop and offer in the future through various innovations and programs in embracing live streaming as the future of the e-commerce industry."

In the second half of 2023, we also witnessed the increasing innovation through interactive online selling and shopping experiences, with live streaming becoming the main attraction. Amidst the fierce competition among e-commerce players in providing live streaming services, it can be concluded that Shopee, through its Shopee Live feature, has proven its position as the preferred live shopping platform for sellers, especially in supporting local brands and SMEs.

Sneak Peek at the E-Commerce Competition Map at the End of 2023, Apparently These are the Favorite Local Brands and SMEs

Shopee Live provides a great opportunity for local brands and SMEs to compete in the online trading market. The growing trend of live shopping seems to have the potential to make the map of e-commerce competition more interesting in the future.

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