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Sugar is an important part of a diet that is difficult to separate from everyday human life. There are various types of sugar, so not all of them have the same impact. Some foods contain natural sugars, such as fructose in fruits and lactose in dairy products. On the other hand, there are also added sugars that are added to food during the manufacturing process. Excessive sugar consumption is often associated with poor health conditions such as diabetes, tooth decay, and heart disease. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to sugar intake in daily diet.

"Recommended Daily Sugar Consumption"

"In essence, there are no strict rules regarding the amount of natural sugar that should be consumed by an individual every day. However, there are specific guidelines for the consumption of added sugar. According to the American dietary guidelines, the recommendation for added sugar consumption for adults should not exceed 10% of their total daily calorie intake. On the other hand, the American Heart Association (AHA) provides stricter recommendations, stating that added sugar should not exceed 6% of the total daily calories."

Gula Alami dan Gula Tambahan

"Natural Sugar and Additional Sugar"

In general, the human body processes all types of sugar in a similar way. However, there are exceptions when it comes to complex carbohydrates. These complex carbohydrates are commonly found in natural foods such as fruits, vegetables, or grains that contain various types of starch. Complex carbohydrates contain three or more types of sugar, so they are digested more slowly by the body. This slower digestion process ultimately helps prevent blood sugar spikes. On the other hand, table sugar or other sweeteners that fall under the category of added sugars are simple carbohydrates.

The impact of excessive sugar consumption on health.

The impact of excessive sugar consumption on health.

Consuming excessive sugar can result in excessive calorie intake, which ultimately can lead to weight gain. In addition, excessive sugar consumption is often associated with various other health problems, including heart disease, high blood pressure or hypertension, chronic respiratory disorders such as sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, cancer, and various other chronic diseases.

"High Sugar Foods"

Gula tambahan biasanya ditemukan dalam minuman, termasuk minuman olahraga, minuman bersoda, minuman buah, kopi, dan teh. Jenis-jenis minuman ini menyumbang sekitar setengah dari total asupan gula tambahan. Sedangkan, dalam makanan, gula tambahan sering ditemukan pada permen, makanan penutup, seperti dessert, dan camilan manis lainnya. Menurut orang Amerika, sumber umum gula tambahan dalam makanan adalah sandwich, yogurt yang manis, dan sereal sarapan atau bar. Additional sugar is usually found in beverages, including sports drinks, sodas, fruit drinks, coffee, and tea. These types of beverages contribute to about half of the total intake of additional sugar. On the other hand, in food, additional sugar is often found in candies, desserts, such as dessert, and other sweet snacks. According to Americans, common sources of additional sugar in food are sandwiches, sweet yogurt, and breakfast cereal or bars.

"How to Reduce Excessive Sugar Intake"

Paying attention to and limiting the intake of added sugars consumed every day is an important step. There are several ways to do this, including asking for less or even no sweeteners at all in beverages like coffee, choosing low-sugar drinks like water, increasing consumption of fiber-rich and protein-rich foods, replacing daily snacks with whole fruits or nuts, prioritizing products that are free of added sugars if possible, and buying products without sweeteners and adding fruit or a little honey to add sweetness.

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