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Beware! These are the 9 Signs of a House that has been Hexed, Often Smelling Bad Odor
Beware! These are the 9 Signs of a House that has been Hexed, Often Smelling Bad Odor Signs of a house that has received a hex (Illustration Photo:

Dream - Hex is a form of witchcraft that is still practiced today. The use of hexes is intended for negative purposes such as harming or damaging others.

The way someone sends a hex to their victim can be done in various ways. The most common method heard in society is by inserting strange objects such as nails, needles, hair, etc. into the body of the targeted person.

In the practice of hexes, a person will involve humans who are believed to have studied witchcraft, assisted by supernatural beings such as jinn and demons. One way to protect ourselves from black magic attacks is by always reciting a prayer to remove hexes from the body.

In addition to humans, hexes can also be directed towards the houses of targeted individuals. So, how do you know if a house has been hexed? Well, there are several signs of a hexed house that you can recognize from the indications.

Here are some signs of a hexed house as compiled by Dream from various sources.

Signs of a Hexed House

There is a Negative Aura

A hexed house usually has a negative aura. This can be felt when passing by the house or when approaching it. You may feel strange, uneasy, and uncomfortable. Even when you look at it from the front, the house usually appears gloomy. This can be one of the signs that the house has been hexed.

Feels Hot

When a house suddenly feels hot, while the surrounding houses feel normal, it is considered strange. Especially if the house already has a fan or air conditioner installed, but the temperature remains hot.

There is a possibility that the house has been hexed and the hex may have been sent at night. It should also be noted that the effect of this hex can cause heat due to the friction of energy.

The House Looks Creepy

Hexes are closely related to supernatural beings such as jinn and demons. These are the things that create a creepy atmosphere. Even though their forms may not be visible, the presence of supernatural beings can be felt.

Just like a house that has been hexed, the effect is that the house appears creepy. However, sometimes the owner of the house does not feel this. It is other people who can sense it.

There are Jin Disturbances

The task of jinn is to disturb humans. That's why they are involved in hex practices that are intentionally aimed at disturbing humans. A house that has been hexed usually has its owner being disturbed by these supernatural beings.

For example, hearing strange noises when there is nothing. Then sudden appearances of strange figures and the emergence of wild animals from the house sent by the hex perpetrator.

Frequent Quarrels

A hexed house does not always show mystical signs. However, it can also be made so that the occupants of the house experience conflicts. Even small problems can escalate into big conflicts.

Sudden Illness

In addition to quarrels, hexes can also make the occupants of the house fall ill. Even when the illness is examined by a doctor, the cause cannot be detected. Meanwhile, the victims truly feel sick without knowing the cause.

Food Spoils Quickly

In addition to the occupants of the house being targeted, a hexed house can also be identified by easily spoiled food. Even though the dish was recently served. This should be a warning if you have a restaurant. There is a possibility that the hex was sent due to feelings of envy in business competition.

There is a Bad Odor

In addition to quickly spoiled food, a sign of a hexed house is usually a foul smell. If the foul smell is caused by a carcass, then you will find it shortly. And after it is removed, the foul smell will disappear.

The source of this foul smell caused by a hex is unknown. Even this foul smell appears frequently.

The House is Always Dirty

The last sign of a hexed house is a house that always appears dirty, even though it has been cleaned. The presence of supernatural beings sent to the house is intended to make the occupants of the house uncomfortable. One of the ways is to make the house always dirty.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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