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Story of a Couple Staying in a Homestay with a Transparent Bathtub on the Mezzanine, Guests Can Peek from Below
Story of a Couple Staying in a Homestay with a Transparent Bathtub on the Mezzanine, Guests Can Peek from Below Story of a Couple Staying in a Homestay with a Transparent Bathtub. (Photo: Illustration/Pestana Amsterdam Riverside)

Dream - Many 'creepy' experiences were gained by a couple when staying in a hotel. Like the experience of a young couple from China as follows.

A post narrating their experience when staying in a hotel became a topic of discussion among netizens on social media.

Recently, the young couple stayed in a hotel that also functions as a homestay in Yanbian City, Jilin Province.

However, unexpectedly, when checking in, the couple was surprised to see the bathroom design located on the mezzanine, especially the bathtub.

The woman said that after receiving the homestay key, the first thing she wanted to see was the condition of the bathroom.

But how surprised she and her partner were when they saw the condition of the bathtub in the bathroom.

Both of them really didn't expect such an extravagant bathtub design that made them think hard if they wanted to use it.

How could they not be surprised? The couple saw that the bathtub in the accommodation bathroom had a design that actually made it easier for people to peek.

Because, the bottom part of the bathtub is made of transparent glass. Both of them were amazed by such a ridiculous design idea.

With the bottom part made of transparent glass, anyone on the lower floor can clearly see the bathtub.

Seeing such a bizarre bathtub design, the young couple felt confused and disappointed. The problem is, they had already checked in.

The floor of the bathtub is transparent.

"Isn't this like a completely open bath? Almost without a base, everything is open," said the woman in astonishment.

The woman said that initially she wanted to use the bathtub to relax. But seeing its transparent model, the woman admitted that she no longer felt in the mood.

In a viral video screenshot, it can be seen that the bottom part of the bathtub is made of transparent glass, so anyone can see it from below.

Funnily enough, the sides of the bathtub are not transparent as they are coated with brown color. When they complained to the management, the couple became even more confused.

The homestay manager said that the bathroom is located on a mezzanine specifically designed for couples. Underneath the bathtub, there is a staircase leading to the first floor, which is the living room.

Because the type is specifically for couples, it doesn't matter if the bottom part of the bathtub on the mezzanine is made transparent. The problem is, only the couple who rented the homestay are inside.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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