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Doctor Tan Reveals 3 Things that are 'Forbidden' for Babies during Complementary Feeding but Common in Indonesia

Doctor Tan Reveals 3 Things that are 'Forbidden' for Babies during Complementary Feeding but Common in Indonesia

Doctor Tan Reveals 3 'Forbidden' Things for Babies during Complementary Feeding but Common in Indonesia

Dream - The figure of DR. dr. Tan Shot Yen, M.hum or familiarly called Dr. Tan, has been so actively providing nutrition education to the Indonesian community. Especially to parents so that their children do not experience nutrition problems, growth and stunting.

Doctor Tan Reveals 3 'Forbidden' Things for Babies during Complementary Feeding but Common in Indonesia

The nutrition expert always highlights the provision of complementary feeding (MPASI) which is started at babies aged 6 months and above. According to him, there are several habits and foods in Indonesia that are often done during the provision of MPASI, which can actually be dangerous.

Doctor Tan Reveals 3 'Forbidden' Things for Babies during Complementary Feeding but Common in Indonesia

That makes the provision of complementary feeding inappropriate, suboptimal nutrient absorption, and can have long-term effects on the growth and health of children in the future.

Doctor Tan Reveals 3 'Forbidden' Things for Babies during Complementary Feeding but Common in Indonesia

"Feeding a child is key to focus on 3 things: the food, the child, and the WAY of feeding the child. The food must have the right quality and quantity," said Dr. Tan in her Instagram @drtanshotyen."

He also revealed three common things in Indonesia that are actually 'forbidden' to do during the provision of complementary feeding to babies because it can be dangerous for the child's health. What are they?

1. Plastic Container

1. Plastic Container

During this time, when feeding babies, parents often use plastic eating utensils. Such as plates, glasses, spoons, bowls, and so on. This is because plastic has a soft texture and is not easily broken when thrown or slammed by children.

According to Dr. Tan, plastic is not a food-friendly container. Its use will pose risks of contamination from hazardous compounds and is not hygienic. There is also a possibility of infants ingesting microplastics. If you do use plastic, look for those with the BPA (bisphenol A) free logo.

Doctor Tan Reveals 3 'Forbidden' Things for Babies during Complementary Feeding but Common in Indonesia
2. Pindang Keranjang

2. Pindang Keranjang

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English', while preserving any HTML tags, is as follows: "Fried fish is one of the types of seafood that is widely sold in the market. It has a savory taste and is also very affordable. According to Dr. Tan, it is recommended that babies, toddlers, and even adults should not consume it. Why?"

"This is not eating fish but preserved fish, not fresh fish, which carries the risk of spoilage or high salt content. It is not healthy even for adults, as it contains nitrosamine, one of the carcinogenic compounds (cancer-causing agents)," said Dr. Tan.

Doctor Tan Reveals 3 'Forbidden' Things for Babies during Complementary Feeding but Common in Indonesia
3. Telur Asin

3. Salted Eggs

One more thing that should also not be given to babies and children, even adults, is salted eggs. It does taste delicious and savory, but it can be dangerous for health.

"The high salt content, the habit of consuming salty food continues into adulthood. A child's kidneys are not ready to handle high-salt food," wrote Dr. Tan. According to him, it is better to consume fresh eggs. For example, boiled chicken eggs or duck eggs."

Doctor Tan Reveals 3 'Forbidden' Things for Babies during Complementary Feeding but Common in Indonesia
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