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"Taman Bacaan Pelangi Inaugurates the 250th Library in Nagekeo, NTT"

Dream - Gabriel, a 1st grade student at Inpres Butata Elementary School, Nagekeo Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, is so enthusiastic to see many books. This child has even finished reading five books. "I have finished reading 5 books, I am very happy to have many books here (library). I want to read books because I am smart," he said with his thick Flores accent while chatting at the inauguration of a child-friendly library established by Taman Bacaan Pelangi in collaboration with the Nagekeo Regency Government and Room to Read at his school, some time ago.

Taman Bacaan Pelangi, through child-friendly libraries, continues to be committed to supporting Nagekeo Regency in improving the literacy skills of elementary school students by providing quality books for students in child-friendly libraries. Throughout the year 2023, Taman Bacaan Pelangi has officially inaugurated 40 child-friendly libraries in 40 different schools in Nagekeo Regency.

Taman Bacaan Pelangi Inaugurates 250th Library in Nagekeo, East Nusa Tenggara

With a loud voice, Gabriel began reading. Gabriel is one of the children in Nagekeo Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, who has a high interest in reading.

"Unfortunately, the limited access to age-appropriate children's books has become one of the barriers to enjoying his hobby of reading. Gabriel loves reading, but his mother, Angelina Owa, tells him that the lack of reading materials only allows Gabriel to read whatever is written around him, such as food packaging, information boards, or writings on clothes."

Taman Bacaan Pelangi Inaugurates 250th Library in Nagekeo, East Nusa Tenggara

"Before the Taman Bacaan Pelangi library in this school was inaugurated, he always accompanied me to the library, wanting to read but I told him that he could only read after the inauguration event," said Angelina Owa, Gabriel's mother who is also a 4th-grade teacher at SD Inpres Butata, Nagekeo."

For Gabriel and his friends, the inauguration of the Rainbow Reading Park library at their school has been eagerly awaited for a long time. They are very enthusiastic about wanting to read picture books that are available in their new school library. Low access to children's reading books is one of the causes of low child literacy rates in Indonesia. According to the Survey of Learning Innovation and Education in Indonesia (SIPPI) conducted by INOVASI in 2017, 68% of children's books available in primary schools are textbooks. Children cannot learn to read without reading materials.

The most effective reading material for children is interesting and graded story books that are suitable for their reading abilities. The presence of Taman Bacaan Pelangi through the concept of child-friendly libraries with quality and graded books for children aged 7-12 years old becomes a solution to improve children's literacy in Nagekeo Regency, particularly in the eastern region of Indonesia.

Together with the Nagekeo Regional Government, Taman Bacaan Pelangi held a series of events to inaugurate 20 new child-friendly libraries in 20 Elementary Schools in Nagekeo Regency from November 7, 2023, to November 18, 2023. With the inauguration of these 20 new libraries, the total number of child-friendly libraries established by Taman Bacaan Pelangi, in collaboration with Nagekeo Regency and Room to Read in Nagekeo Regency, NTT, has reached 109, marking the establishment of 250 child-friendly libraries by Taman Bacaan Pelangi for Indonesia.

"In the name of the community in Nagekeo, we appreciate the commitment of Taman Bacaan Pelangi in helping the local government improve the literacy skills of children and foster their interest in reading in our region," said Dr. Johannes Don Bosco, the Regent of Nagekeo District, during the inauguration of the library at SD Inpres Butata."

According to the education report of Nagekeo Regency, the reading competence of literary texts in elementary school students has increased by 7.8%, where in 2021 it was only 46%, while in 2023 it reached 54%. However, overall recapitulation in the education report of Nagekeo Regency regarding the literacy skills of elementary schools still falls into the category of low achievement. Furthermore, based on the results of the Indonesian Student Competency Assessment (AKSI) in 2016, 63%-73% of students in the Nusa Tenggara Timur and Sulawesi regions have insufficient reading abilities.

Taman Bacaan Pelangi Inaugurates 250th Library in Nagekeo, East Nusa Tenggara

"We believe that the books we provide in this school library will be liked by children and can improve children's reading abilities and cultivate children's interest in reading in every school," said Nila Tanzil, Founder of Taman Bacaan Pelangi."

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