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Video Viral Ibu Juga 'Mengajak' Ayah Rasakan Nyeri Kontraksi Persalinan 

"Viral Video: Mother Also 'Invites' Father to Experience the Pain of Labor Contractions "

Viral Video: Mother Also 'Invites' Father to Experience the Pain of Labor Contractions

"Dream - The process of giving birth always has its own story. One thing for sure is the presence of pain during contractions. Starting from the opening of the cervix until it is fully dilated and the baby is ready to be born. In this process, the feeling of pain will arise."

Viral Video: Mother Also 'Invites' Father to Experience the Pain of Labor Contractions

"In the process of normal childbirth, the pain of contractions is actually eagerly anticipated. It means that the baby is ready to come out, the opening is getting complete, and the father and mother will soon meet the little one they have been waiting for."

An experience of giving birth shared by a mother, shared by the TikTok account @org_bugis. A man named Muhamad Keenan shared the moment when he accompanied his wife giving birth. Initially, when she was still experiencing mild contractions, his wife was still able to walk back and forth to speed up the dilation. Sweetly, Keenan faithfully accompanied her when his wife was feeling increasing pain.

Viral Video: Mother Also 'Invites' Father to Experience the Pain of Labor Contractions

He could still laugh seeing his wife grimacing while walking and laughing. If the opening increases, certainly the pain that arises will be more intense.

Viral Video: Mother Also 'Invites' Father to Experience the Pain of Labor Contractions

Finally, they sat on the porch of the maternity house. The wife tried to endure the pain of contractions that kept coming, and the husband continued to accompany her. Until finally, not wanting to suffer alone, she pulled her husband's hair.

Viral Video: Mother Also 'Invites' Father to Experience the Pain of Labor Contractions

The husband can only surrender when his hair is continuously pulled by his wife. "Apparently, behind the smile is a head that is almost torn," wrote Tiktok account @org_bugis, in the video caption that was uploaded.

Viral Video: Mother Also 'Invites' Father to Experience the Pain of Labor Contractions

In the video, he also wrote "the opening of 1 person, the pain of 2 people". The video went viral and many netizens were curious about the pain of contractions as shown in the video.

"swearrrrrr, no matter what, giving birth is not painful, the pain is just cramps \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d," responded @tinaa.sallura. "giving birth is as painful as being stitched without anesthesia," commented Zyana Nazya channel. "Is it possible to have a normal delivery that is smooth without having to be stitched or operated on \ud83d\ude2d," wrote Diazsastr. "The man is completely resigned \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d," commented @GDS.A_86 \ud83d\udd31"

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