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3 Letters in the Quran that are Powerful in Repelling Satan from Entering the House

3 Letters in the Quran that are Powerful in Repelling Satan from Entering the House

"Setan adalah musuh nyata bagi manusia dan memiliki niat jahat untuk menyesatkan mereka dari jalan yang benar." Translation: "The devil is a real enemy to humans and has evil intentions to mislead them from the right path."

Dream - Satan is a very dangerous enemy of mankind. Satan is able to see humans and tempt them anywhere and anytime. However, not all humans can see the presence of Satan. Therefore, humans must always be careful wherever they are, especially from misleading temptations of Satan. However, Dream's friend does not need to be excessively afraid. Satan itself is a creature created by Allah SWT. Therefore, always seek protection from the Creator.

Try not to waste time by praying to Allah SWT. Dream friends can also recite the verses in the Al-Quran to ward off the arrival of demons in the house.

3 Letters in the Quran that are Powerful in Warding off Satan from Entering the House
3 Letters in the Quran that are Powerful in Warding off Satan from Entering the House

The following are the letters in the Al-Quran that you can practice so that the devil does not enter your house, as summarized by Dream through various sources.

"Warning of the Dangers of Satan's Deception in the Quran"

In the Quran, Allah SWT warns mankind about the danger of Satan's deception.

One example of a warning from the Quran about the danger of Satan's deception is found in Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 268. The verse states that Satan, known as the 'deceitful seller', entices humans with false promises to harm them. In this context, the deceitful seller can be interpreted as a symbol of the traps of deception and temptations that Satan uses to mislead humans. The Quran also reminds humans to be cautious and not be tempted to use wealth and material possessions as a path to eternal happiness.

In the letter of Al-Hashr, verse 18, Allah SWT mentions the devils who hinder humans from mentioning the name of Allah and persuade them to be engrossed in worldly matters. In addition, in the letter of Al-Anfal, verse 48, the Quran reminds humanity that the deception of the devil is very strong. The devil has the ability to show the luxury and beauty of the world as something attractive, whereas in reality, it is a trap designed to mislead humans.

Bagaimana Cara Setan Menyesatkan Manusia?

"How does the Devil mislead humans?"

"Setan sebagai musuh setiap manusia yang berusaha menyesatkannya, memiliki berbagai cara untuk mencapai tujuannya. Berikut adalah beberapa cara yang dilakukan setan untuk menyesatkan manusia:" "Devil, as the enemy of every human being who tries to mislead them, has various ways to achieve its goals. Here are some ways that the devil does to mislead humans:"

1. Beautifying Bad Practices

One of the main ways the devil misleads humans is by portraying bad deeds as something beautiful and tempting. The devil tempts humans by making them believe that sinful actions are enjoyable and beneficial, while actions commanded by Allah are boring or worthless.

2. Growing Imagination

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Devil also uses human's imagination and fantasy to mislead them. Devil encourages humans to think about things that distance them from worshiping Allah and make them fall into deviant fantasies and imaginary worlds."

3. Blurring Understanding

Setan berusaha mempengaruhi pemahaman manusia terhadap ajaran agama. Ia membuat manusia memahami ajaran agama dengan cara yang salah atau memilih tafsiran yang keliru, mengaburkan kebenaran yang sebenarnya.

4. Tempting with the Delicacies of the World

The devil takes advantage of human interest in material pleasures and the temporary world. He deceives humans with false promises of worldly happiness and pleasure, causing them to forget about their ultimate spiritual interests.

5. Exploiting Human Ignorance

The following is the translation of the 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Devil also tries to mislead humans by exploiting their ignorance and lack of knowledge about religious teachings. Devil causes humans to think that they already understand everything, so they do not seek deeper knowledge and easily fall into falsehood."

6. Manipulating Self-Confidence

Setan menggunakan kelemahan manusia berupa rasa percaya diri yang berlebihan atau kurang untuk menyesatkannya. Ia membuat manusia merasa sombong dan meremehkan nasihat atau peringatan yang ada, atau sebaliknya, menjatuhkan manusia ke dalam keputusasaan dan meragukan kemampuannya untuk bertobat.

"Letter in the Quran so that Satan Does Not Enter the House"

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "Home can become a place that is targeted by demons to carry out their actions of disturbing humans. Therefore, the home must be fortified with prayers taught by the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him."

Surat dalam Al-Quran agar Setan Tidak Masuk ke Rumah

A hadith of the Prophet, narrated by Imam Ahmad, tells that on a very dark and rainy night, the companions went out to find the Prophet to ask him to lead the prayer. After meeting him, the Prophet called upon the companions to recite Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Nas three times in the morning and evening. If someone recites these two surahs in the morning and evening, Allah will suffice him in all aspects of his life and protect him from the deception of Satan.

This is the reading of the exorcism of jinn and demons that we can practice. Not only Surah Al-Falaq and An-Nas, there are still several other Surahs that can be used to protect oneself from demons. Based on the hadith of the Prophet narrated by Muttafa', Rasulullah has explained that if someone sincerely recites the last two verses of Surah Al-Baqarah, then Allah will suffice everything in their life.

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