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"50 Motivations of Life's Trials that Make Us Stay Patient and Optimistic in Facing Every Challenge"

Motivation will be very meaningful for those who are struggling hard against the toughness of life.

"Even Dream's friends can share motivation for life's trials through social media. This will mean a lot to those who are also struggling hard against the harshness of life. Here are some words of motivation for life's trials as summarized by Dream from various sources."

50 Motivasi Cobaan Hidup yang Membuat Kita Tetap Sabar dan Optimis Menghadapi Setiap Tantangan
Motivasi Cobaan Hidup yang Membuat Diri Makin Sabar

"Motivation: Life's Trials that Make Oneself More Patient"

"The adversity teaches us to learn to stand firm in any situation. Every adversity also teaches us to always learn to endure and be patient in facing it."

"Do not worry about things that you cannot solve now, as long as you are patient, Allah will show you the way." "Indeed, help will come with patience." - HR Ahmad- "High-level patience is when we have the freedom to vent our anger, but we choose to restrain ourselves and behave normally." "Allah loves those who are patient." - Surah Ali Imran: 146- "Be grateful for what you have and work hard for what you do not have."

"A patient and sincere person will explore every corner of a problem to find all forms of wisdom as material for self-reflection and self-evaluation.""

50 Motivasi Cobaan Hidup yang Membuat Kita Tetap Sabar dan Optimis Menghadapi Setiap Tantangan

"All people have their own problems, some are light, some are heavy. However, they do not disclose their problems." "Although crying is not a way to solve problems, but by crying you will feel more peaceful." "Do not give up when your prayers have not been answered. If you are able to be patient, Allah is able to give more than what you ask for."

Motivasi Cobaan Hidup agar Tetap Optimis

"Motivation in Life's Trials to Stay Optimistic"

"Keep trying until those who don't know your story can only say, 'how lucky he/she is.'"

"Embrace your feelings, and your life will be peaceful." "Keep improving your mindset, and your life will be blessed." "How far are your abilities? It will not be answered just by thinking, take immediate action." "No need to worry about fate. Your life's scenario has been arranged by the Most Just." "If falling is rain and rising is the sun, then we need both to see the rainbow." "

"Manage your emotions well so that your life will always be successful in building good relationships with others."

50 Motivasi Cobaan Hidup yang Membuat Kita Tetap Sabar dan Optimis Menghadapi Setiap Tantangan

"Maybe I just have to believe in myself one day, I will have everything that I have prayed for today." "Life is full of choices, you have to be brave enough to choose to leave things that make you sad or cry."

"Motivation of Life's Trials from the Figures"

"Challenges are not an excuse to stop trying." - Fiersa Besari"

"If God gives you trials, it means that God loves you." - Indah Riyana "Friendship often presents several challenges, but true friendship can overcome those challenges and even grow together." - Ariel Noah "In this life, sometimes we are faced with unpleasant things. Sadness, loss, and perhaps various other trials. But it is precisely these things that make us stronger." - Netty Virgianti

"Remember that life is a transition from one trial to another. Trials are not always synonymous with difficulties, but can also come in the form of ease." - Abdullah Gymnastiar

50 Motivasi Cobaan Hidup yang Membuat Kita Tetap Sabar dan Optimis Menghadapi Setiap Tantangan

"Trials, pressures, and suffering are processes towards a resilient and mature mentality, as a capital to strive again, to achieve a higher quality of life." - Andrie Wongso "Whatever it is, trials, defeats, failures, will not become something bad. But, it depends on how we respond to it." - Donny Dhirgantoro "The key to a servant's happiness is if they are able to be grateful for His blessings, patient in the face of trials, and repentant for their sins." - Abdullah Gymnastiar

"If ordinary people fear trials, wise people transform trials into enlightenment." - Gede Prama "Trials that come in the form of blessings are no less serious than trials that come in the form of suffering." - Achmad Mustafa Bisri"

Motivasi Cobaan Hidup yang Penuh Makna

"Meaningful Life Trials Motivation"

"What we want to forget will be forgotten as time goes by. This is just a matter of time."

"Lift up your chin, dear. You are more honorable than anyone who speaks lies." - Alice Walker "Don't be weak, life is teaching you how to endure well." "Don't waste time, energy, and thoughts on futile things. Focus on things that make you valuable." "Someone may experience the bitterness of life's journey, but they must not stop and must not lose their dreams." "Not holding you back doesn't mean no longer loving. It's just that sometimes it's better to let go than to force staying together.""

"Angry, hate, disappointed, negative thinking, jealous, falling in love, and so on. It's just a matter of how we manage our emotions to a reasonable extent."

50 Motivasi Cobaan Hidup yang Membuat Kita Tetap Sabar dan Optimis Menghadapi Setiap Tantangan

"When you fall, rise up to hold onto your dreams again. When you doubt, strengthen your prayers." "Do not compare your life with others. There is no comparison between the sun and the moon. They shine when their time comes." "The process is necessary. The end result is just a bonus."

Motivasi Cobaan Hidup dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya

"Motivasi Cobaan Hidup dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya" translates to "Motivation of Life Challenges in English and Its Meaning."

"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." - Thomas Edison (Aku belum gagal. Aku hanya menemukan 10.000 cara yang belum berhasil.)


"Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor." - Truman Capote (Kegagalan adalah bumbu yang memberikan rasa pada kesuksesan.)

"There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure." - Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist (Hanya ada satu hal yang membuat mimpi tidak mungkin tercapai: ketakutan akan kegagalan.)

"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars." - Les Brown (Terbanglah ke bulan. Jika gagal, kamu akan jatuh di antara bintang-bintang.)


"It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed." — Theodore Roosevelt (Memang berat untuk gagal, tapi akan lebih buruk jika tidak pernah mencoba untuk sukses.)

50 Motivasi Cobaan Hidup yang Membuat Kita Tetap Sabar dan Optimis Menghadapi Setiap Tantangan

"That is one good thing about this world. There are always sure to be more springs."- LM Montgomery Anne of Avonlea (Satu hal baik tentang dunia ini. Selalu ada keyakinan musim semi akan datang.)"Do not fear failure but rather fear not trying."— Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart (Jangan takut gagal. Takutlah jika tidak mencoba.)"My past is everything I failed to be."— Fernando Pessoa, The Book of Disquiet (Masa laluku adalah semua yang gagal aku capai.)

"To err is human, to forgive, divine." ― Alexander Pope, An Essay On Criticism (Berbuat kesalahan adalah manusiawi, memaafkan adalah sifat Tuhan.) "Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending." - Carl Bard (Meskipun tak ada yang bisa kembali dan memulai dari awal, kita bisa memulainya dari sekarang dan membuat akhir kisah yang baru.)

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