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The translation of the given text from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is:

The translation of the given text from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "This Strange Phenomenon in the Himalayas Can Actually Cool Down a Warming Earth"

"Dream - Glaciers in the Himalayan region are experiencing rapid melting due to the global warming crisis. However, the latest report reveals a unique and amazing phenomenon at the highest peak of the world."

Dikira Membahayakan, Fenomena Aneh di Himalaya Ini Justru Ampuh Mendinginkan Bumi yang Makin Panas

"When the temperature in highlands reaches a certain threshold due to global warming, a reaction occurs that produces cold winds blowing down the slopes. This is further explained by Francesca Pellicciotti, a glaciology professor at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) and the lead author of this study. 'Climate warming creates a significant temperature difference between the air above the Himalayan glaciers and the cold air directly in contact with the ice surface,' she explained."

Dikira Membahayakan, Fenomena Aneh di Himalaya Ini Justru Ampuh Mendinginkan Bumi yang Makin Panas

The phenomenon actually can help reduce the impact of the global climate crisis itself.

This is further explained by Francesca Pellicciotti, a glaciology professor at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) and the lead author of this study. "Climate warming creates significant temperature differences between the air above the Himalayan glaciers and the cold air directly in contact with the ice surface," she said. This phenomenon causes increased turbulence in heat exchange on the glacier surface and promotes intensified cooling of the air at the surface.

When the cool and dry surface air becomes colder and denser, it will form a mass of air that slides down the slope towards the valley. This creates a cooling effect in the lower regions of the glacier and the surrounding ecosystem.

Dikira Membahayakan, Fenomena Aneh di Himalaya Ini Justru Ampuh Mendinginkan Bumi yang Makin Panas

The previous report in June of this year revealed that glaciers in the Himalayas experienced a melting rate 65% faster in 2010 compared to the previous decade. This finding indicates that the temperature increase has had a significant impact on the region.

"The main impact of temperature increase on glaciers is the increase in the rate of ice loss caused by the acceleration of the melting process."
Fanny Brun, a scientist at the Institute of Geosciences of the Environment in Grenoble, France.

Brun is not involved in the research.

"The main mechanism involves the extension and intensification of the ice melting season. This causes thinning and shrinking of glaciers, which in turn affects landscape degradation and increases air temperature due to greater absorption of energy by the surface," Brun added.

Dikira Membahayakan, Fenomena Aneh di Himalaya Ini Justru Ampuh Mendinginkan Bumi yang Makin Panas

Energy absorption at the surface is influenced by a concept known as the albedo effect.

What is Albedo?

The translation of the given text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: Surface that is bright or 'white,' like clean snow and ice, tends to reflect more sunlight (having high albedo) compared to 'dark' surfaces, such as open land due to glacier melting, and land and ocean shrinkage (having low albedo).


In general, Fanny Brun explained that this phenomenon can be considered as a positive feedback cycle, which is a process that strengthens change. However, overall, this phenomenon is still poorly understood and difficult to measure accurately.

However, at the foot of Mount Everest, overall average temperature measurements show stability rather than an increase. In-depth analysis of the data reveals the reality of what is actually happening. "Although minimum temperatures continue to increase, maximum surface temperatures during the summer season continue to decrease," said Franco Salerno, a report writer and researcher at the National Research Council (CNR) for Italy.

However, this strange phenomenon in the form of cool winds from the peak of the Himalayas is apparently not entirely able to counter the increase in temperature and the rate of glacier melting caused by climate change.

Dikira Membahayakan, Fenomena Aneh di Himalaya Ini Justru Ampuh Mendinginkan Bumi yang Makin Panas

Thomas Shaw, a member of the ISTA research group along with Pellicciotti, explained that the cause of the rapid glacier melting is complex. "Although this cooling is local, it may still not be strong enough to overcome the broader impacts of climate change and fully maintain the sustainability of the glaciers," stated Shaw.

Dikira Membahayakan, Fenomena Aneh di Himalaya Ini Justru Ampuh Mendinginkan Bumi yang Makin Panas

Pellicciotti added that the general limitation of data in highland areas worldwide has prompted research teams to focus on the use of unique ground observation records at one of the stations in the Himalayas.

"The process that we examine in this paper has the potential for global relevance and may occur in any glacier worldwide if the conditions are suitable," he said. Pellicciotti's research and his colleagues' have been published on December 4th in the journal Nature Geoscience."

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