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"60 Quotes for Wise and Meaningful Students, Very Inspiring!"

Although it may seem difficult, life in a boarding school will become a very valuable provision for the future.

Dream - A student's life is inseparable from simplicity, patience, seeking knowledge, and various activities in the boarding school environment. It is not uncommon to come across quotes for students that depict their lives. Although it may seem simple and even difficult for some, it will become a valuable asset for their future. A student is able to find their own happiness that others may not be able to feel.

In that boarding school environment, they experience various moments. The formation of character and religiosity will be felt so strongly after living in the boarding school for some time.

60 Quotes for Wise and Meaningful Students, Very Inspiring!

"Through these stories of experiences, various quotes are created for wise and meaningful students. Well, here are some quotes for students as compiled by Dream from various sources."

Quotes untuk Santri yang Penuh Kebijaksanaan

"Quotes for Wise Students"

"Pray. Allah listens to you. Be patient and He will answer at the right time."

"If you want to receive something, learn by giving, if you want happiness, give that happiness to others." "It's not because I don't have feelings of love and affection, but I am keeping this feeling until the time when everything is halal." "The ideal son-in-law must be a student." "Love must come from the heart and therefore if it doesn't come from the heart, never say that you love." "Stop trying to be perfect. Find someone who knows all your weaknesses but still wants to be a part of your life."

"For us, there is no such thing as a weekend night, there is only a turn to move forward."It's not about grand parties or fancy dresses, what matters is one word: LEGAL."Love is when you believe that you have forgotten about it, but you still find yourself caring about it."Love is just one word until you meet someone who gives it meaning."I am a verb that needs a subject just as a sentence needs a predicate to be complete."I hope our love is like a Waqaf Lazim, perfectly paused at the end of life.""

"I have never had a policy, I just do my best every time and every day." "Learning may be tiring, but it will be even more tiring later if you don't learn now." "I will always love you even if the wait is so long, if you are not my destiny, then I am happy to have chosen you." "I believe in Islam, and I believe in Allah and long for peace as taught by my religion."

"Take from this world something that can be a provision for the hereafter and do not take from this world something that can hinder you in the hereafter."

60 Quotes for Wise and Meaningful Students, Very Inspiring!

"Happiness does not belong to those who are great in everything, but to those who are able to find simplicity in their lives and remain grateful."Learn from life. Strive for the future. Pray to the Almighty."Finally, after a long time together, our love is like Iklab marked by two hearts that are united.""

Quotes untuk Santri yang Penuh Nasihat

"Quotes for Santri Full of Advice"

"We may just be students, but our love for the sacred country remains untainted, hubbul waton minal iman."

"If a person possesses four things, they will have goodness in this world and the hereafter. A grateful heart, a tongue that remembers Allah, a body that is patient in facing trials, and a partner who remains faithful in protecting oneself and their belongings." "If distance does not increase your love, then it means you haven't truly loved them." "If love is the knowledge of Tawhid, then the value of my love for you is pure 24 karat gold, as pure as the belief of the experts in Rububiyyah Tawhid." "If love is the knowledge of Faroidl, then we are two lovers who will always share what we have, just like 'Ashobah ma'a al-ghoyr."

"If I were to gather the joyful moments in my life, none of them would match the beauty of the time I spent with you." "If we are allowed to choose 5 things in this world, then choose religion, wealth, noble character, shame, and generosity. A message from Lukmanul Hakim to his child." "If love is Nahwu, then my love for you will be jazm (certain), so I will be sukun (calm) by your side forever." "If love is Ilmu Hadist, then the quality and strength of our love are authentic hadiths that have been tested and verified by various trials and tribulations."

"Let us continue to do good to those who do evil to us." (Lukman Hakim)"Be like a candle, which never regrets when the flame burns you. Be like flowing water, patient. Never be afraid to start something new." - Tere Liye"Do not feel superior to others because you do not know how many good deeds they hide."Do not fret if there are those who hate you because there are still many who love you in this world. But fret if Allah SWT hates you because there will be no one else who loves you in the afterlife.""

"If love is Fiqh, then I will issue a fatwa upon myself that loving the beauty of God's creation like you is obligatory."

60 Quotes for Wise and Meaningful Students, Very Inspiring!

"Memorizing is more fun than thinking about the past." "Looking for a partner? Look for a religious student! Because religious students are ready to lead congregational prayers, lead recitation of the Quran, lead recitation of religious poems, lead religious gatherings, and even cook alone when their wives are away." "Be the best Muslim version of yourself, do things that are beneficial to others." "Never hurt your own friend, because a friend is how God shows that He doesn't want you to be alone in life."

"With it, Allah buries envy, With it, Allah extinguishes hostility; Through it, brotherhood is bound; The humble are honored. The high are humbled."

Quotes untuk Santri yang Sarat Makna

"Quotes for Santri that are Full of Meaning"

"Three qualities that must always be possessed by students, namely creative, innovative, and active."

"Sometimes patience and silence are better than expressing true feelings." "Whoever is patient will achieve what they desire." - Habiburrahman El Shirazy "After you accept my love, my heart feels like Qolqolah Kubro, bouncing loudly." "Indeed, Allah does not look at your face and does not care about your wealth. What He sees is your heart and your deeds." "God does not see your body and appearance. He sees your heart and your actions." - Prophet Muhammad SAW

"Three humans will not be fought except by a lowly person, a knowledgeable person who practices his knowledge, an intelligent scholar, and a just imam." "Success will not come to those who only wait and do nothing, but to those who always strive to realize their dreams." "Whoever strives to be patient, surely Allah will make him patient." - HR Al Bukhari No 1469 "Indeed, help will come with patience." - HR. Ahmad

"My love for you is like Mad Thobi'i in the Qur'an, so abundant." "Implement your plan for success today, don't delay any longer, don't waste time, because time cannot wait." "Taking a selfie together while about to study the Quran is more blessed than taking a selfie at a zebra crosswalk." "The joy of male students when female students make a post about studying the Quran until death, studying at the boarding school until marriage." "Like the rule of Imalah that is specifically for Ro' only... so it is also for me, only for you."

"Santri itu akan selalu jadi anak GAPLEH: Gaul melainkan Soleh." "The student will always be a GAPLEH child: Cool but pious."

60 Quotes for Wise and Meaningful Students, Very Inspiring!

"Before getting frustrated in a situation, remember that you never know where Allah has placed goodness." "No matter how small your role is in spreading the message, it has a great impact on the ummah." "May our relationship be like idgham bilaghunnah, where only the letters 'lam' and 'ro' are combined." "Like the rule of Imalah, which is specifically for 'Ro' only, so am I, only for you."

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