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Beggar from Jombang, Hedon, Begging during the day in Ponorogo, Relaxing at the hotel at night.

Beggar from Jombang, Hedon, Begging during the day in Ponorogo, Relaxing at the hotel at night.

Dream - Lately, a beggar from Jombang in Ponorogo was found to have a hedonistic lifestyle staying in a hotel. This was revealed when he was apprehended by the Ponorogo District Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) who are actively conducting raids on beggars and street musicians. When apprehended and questioned by the local law enforcement corps (Perda), the beggar from Jombang admitted that during his time in Bumi Reog, he stayed in a hotel near Alun-alun Ponorogo.

"Recently, we have been conducting raids on beggars and street musicians. Yesterday, we successfully caught a beggar from Jombang, and it was shocking to discover that during their stay in Ponorogo, the beggar was actually staying at a hotel."

The text translates to: "words of the Head of Public Order and Security of Satpol PP Ponorogo, Subiyantoro, Friday, December 1, 2023 quoted from"

Beggar from Jombang, Hedon, Begs in Ponorogo During the Day and Relaxes at the Hotel at Night

Subiyantoro explained, initially his team conducted raids at intersections in Ponorogo City that were often used as hangout spots by beggars and street musicians. It was during that time that the Satpol PP officers successfully caught the beggars, whose names were not mentioned.

Caught Bringing Hotel Room Keys

When the officer asked for his identity, the beggar then opened his bag. The officer then found a hotel room key in his bag. After investigating, it turns out that it is a hotel room key.


"When asked by the officer, he admitted that it was the key to the hotel where he stayed in Ponorogo Regency."
"ungkapnya." translates to "he/she revealed it."


According to his confession, the beggar has been staying at a hotel in Ponorogo for 8 days. Since then, the beggar from Jombang has been carrying out his actions hoping for the compassion of the people of Ponorogo.

Beggar from Jombang, Hedon, Begs in Ponorogo During the Day and Relaxes at the Hotel at Night
Beggar from Jombang, Hedon, Begs in Ponorogo During the Day and Relaxes at the Hotel at Night

The exact income of the beggar per day is unknown. It is estimated that the earnings from begging are quite substantial, reaching hundreds of thousands per day.

Because the beggar was able to rent a room in a hotel as a place to rest while acting in Ponorogo. Moreover, the hotel occupied by the beggar is not a low-class hotel.

Beggar from Jombang, Hedon, Begs in Ponorogo During the Day and Relaxes at the Hotel at Night

"About 8 days staying in Ponorogo and He stayed at the hotel,"
"subiyantoro said."


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