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Viral Wastafel Wudhu Canggih di Masjid Istiqlal, Membasuh Kaki Lebih Friendly<br>

Viral Advanced Wudhu Sink in Istiqlal Mosque, Washing Feet More Friendly

Dream- Every mosque definitely has ablution facilities for worshipers who want to perform prayers. The ablution area usually consists of water taps lined up on the wall, and the simplest ones are water storage tanks. However, there are also mosques that provide more modern and comfortable ablution areas. While serving the same purpose of providing water for ablution, these facilities already use faster technology. These advanced ablution areas can be found in the largest Islamic place of worship in Southeast Asia, the Istiqlal Mosque.

"A man shares a luxurious view of the ablution area in Istiqlal Mosque through a video on his TikTok account @teukuakbarmaulana."

Viral Wastafel Wudhu Canggih di Masjid Istiqlal, Membasuh Kaki Lebih Friendly
Viral Wastafel Wudhu Canggih di Masjid Istiqlal, Membasuh Kaki Lebih Friendly

""Sophisticated ablution place at Istiqlal Mosque. Have you ever done ablution like this, friends, or at other places?""
write video description.


Viral Wastafel Wudhu Canggih di Masjid Istiqlal, Membasuh Kaki Lebih Friendly

In the video, the wudu place appears to have a shape like a sink. Below it, there are facilities like drawers that can be pulled out as a place to wash the feet.

Viral Wastafel Wudhu Canggih di Masjid Istiqlal, Membasuh Kaki Lebih Friendly

The man then proceeded to perform ablution at the sink. He used the water flowing through the faucet to cleanse the parts of his body that needed to be touched by water in the sequence of ablution.

When he wants to wash his feet, he pulls the drawer under the sink. Surprisingly, the water flows so fast and wets the man's feet. The way to do it is very easy, just press the bottom surface of the footrest and the water will flow out.

Viral Wastafel Wudhu Canggih di Masjid Istiqlal, Membasuh Kaki Lebih Friendly
Viral Wastafel Wudhu Canggih di Masjid Istiqlal, Membasuh Kaki Lebih Friendly

Apparently, the sophisticated sink is located in a special VIP ablution area. Nevertheless, the general congregation can still use it. The management of Masjid Istiqlal also plans to increase the number of these sophisticated sinks in all ablution areas.

The video shared by the man on TikTok went viral. Many netizens commented, "MashaAllah, how many more days until I go there and see this, I can't wait for the study tour," wrote the account @its_.yunaa. "I just found out that the wudu place in Istiqlal Mosque is advanced, even though I have been living in Jakarta for a long time," wrote the account @anibustomi2. "I really want to go to Istiqlal Mosque," wrote the account @heydiniii. "Wow, it's getting more advanced now at Istiqlal Mosque," wrote the account @nadine.shifanny. Report: Yulia Putri

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