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Couple Goals, Berawal Bimbingan Skripsi Berdua, Kini Sama-Sama Jadi Guru Besar FMIPA UGM<br>

Couple Goals, Starting from Joint Thesis Guidance, Now Both Become Professors at FMIPA UGM

Dream - The love story of a couple of professors at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) has made the public envious. How could they not be, their love blossomed from thesis guidance until now, both of them have become professors. They are Agus Harjoko and Sri Hartati.

Couple Goals, Starting from Joint Thesis Guidance, Now Both Become Professors at UGM
Couple Goals, Starting from Joint Thesis Guidance, Now Both Become Professors at UGM

"In 2014, Sri Hartati was first inaugurated as a professor. Her husband, Agus Harjoko, followed his wife's appointment and was inaugurated as a professor at UGM on November 23, 2023."

Couple Goals, Starting from Joint Thesis Guidance, Now Both Become Professors at UGM

Apparently, Agus and Sri have been struggling together since their bachelor's degree until they finally got married. The love journey of these two UGM professors was uploaded through a video on Instagram account @dike.ugm.

Couple Goals, Starting from Joint Thesis Guidance, Now Both Become Professors at UGM

Agus and Sri met during thesis guidance in the Bachelor's program in Physics, specializing in Electronics and Instrumentation (Elins) at UGM in 1982. They were under the same supervisor and had the same consultation schedule.

Couple Goals, Starting from Joint Thesis Guidance, Now Both Become Professors at UGM

The moment made the two couples often chat. From there, the seeds of their love emerged. One day, Agus visited Sri's house and met the woman's mother.

"We chat and discuss about future matters, because there is no rejection from the woman's side, I also went to her house and there was no rejection from her mother either. So, I asked the parents to come formally for a proposal."
Word Agus.


Couple Goals, Starting from Joint Thesis Guidance, Now Both Become Professors at UGM

Good response from Mrs. Sri made Agus decide to bring his family to the beloved house to propose to her. Agus and Sri then got married after graduating from college.

Although they were married, it did not deter the couple from continuing their education to a higher level. In 1982, the husband and wife continued their Master's degree together at the University of New Brunswick, Canada.

Couple Goals, Starting from Joint Thesis Guidance, Now Both Become Professors at UGM

"After completing his master's degree, Agus continued his education to pursue a Ph.D. at the same campus in 1990 with a scholarship he obtained, while his wife had to take a break due to pregnancy. After giving birth, Sri followed her husband, received a scholarship, and continued her Ph.D. studies in 1992."

Couple Goals, Starting from Joint Thesis Guidance, Now Both Become Professors at UGM

Both couples then pursued careers as lecturers and later became professors in the Department of Computer Science and Electronics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Gadjah Mada University. Agus and Sri always pursued education and career together after getting married. Now, they have also become professors at Gadjah Mada University simultaneously.

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