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How to Pay Fidyah for Pregnant or Breastfeeding Mother, Complete with the Arabic, Latin, and Meaning of the Intention

How to Pay Fidyah for Pregnant or Breastfeeding Mother, Complete with the Arabic, Latin, and Meaning of the Intention

Dream - In carrying out the fasting of Ramadan, although obligatory, Islam is not a religion that makes things difficult for its followers. Take for example pregnant women. A pregnant woman has different physical conditions. Some are able and strong enough to fast, but there are also those who are not. For pregnant women who are unable to fast due to concerns for their own safety and the safety of the fetus they are carrying, they are allowed not to fast. Nevertheless, they still have a debt of fasting that must be paid or replaced outside of Ramadan or by paying fidyah.

Then, how to pay fidyah for pregnant or breastfeeding mothers? Considering that usually pregnant women miss several days in Ramadan to not fast. Well, here is the explanation as summarized by Dream through various sources.

How to Pay Fidyah for Pregnant or Nursing Mothers, Complete with Arabic, Latin, and Meaningful Intention Recitation Cara memiliki anak perempuan yang cantik.">

"Ease of Fasting for Pregnant or Breastfeeding Mothers"

"Pregnant or breastfeeding mothers are among those who are granted exemptions from fasting during the month of Ramadan."

This is because of their physical condition which does not allow them to observe the fasting. They have to refrain from eating and drinking. However, pregnant or nursing mothers who miss Ramadan fasting still have to make up for it outside of Ramadan. The missed fasting should also be accompanied by paying fidyah. This is explained in His words in Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 184:

"(that is) on certain days. So whoever among you is sick or on a journey (then they break their fast), then they must make up for the missed days on other days. And it is obligatory for those who find it difficult (to fast) to pay fidyah, (that is) to feed a poor person. Whoever willingly performs good deeds, then it is better for them. And fasting is better for you if you only knew."

Paying Fidyah with Basic Food Staples and Money

Paying fidyah for pregnant or breastfeeding mothers can be done by using staple food ingredients.

Paying Fidyah with Basic Food Staples and Money

According to Imam Malik and Imam Shafi'i, the fidyah that must be paid is equivalent to 1 mud of wheat (approximately 6 ounces = 675 grams = 0.75 kg or the size of a cupped hand). On the other hand, according to the Hanafi scholars, the fidyah that must be given is equivalent to 2 mud or 1/2 sha' of wheat. (1 sha' is equal to 4 mud = approximately 3 kg, so 1/2 sha' is about 1.5 kg). The second rule is usually applied to individuals who give fidyah in the form of rice.

Pregnant or breastfeeding women can also pay fidyah by using money. Specifically, 1.5 kg of food materials can be converted into currency at the prevailing price, which is equivalent to the number of missed fasting days.

Batas Waktu Membayar Fidyah

"Deadline for Paying Fidyah"

The deadline for paying fidyah needs to be carefully observed in order to pay it on time.

In addition, the time to pay fidyah for each criterion is different. For example, fidyah for the deceased can be paid at any time. Then, for those who are seriously ill, elderly, and pregnant or nursing mothers, it can be done after dawn for each day of fasting. Or it can also be done after sunset. However, it is preferable to do it at the beginning of the night. It can also be done at the end of the following day or outside of the month of Ramadan, including before entering this month.

So, for the payment of fidyah, it is required that it is made at least by night or sunset for each day of fasting. It is important for Dream friends to know that the payment of fidyah should not be accelerated.

"Intention of Fidyah for Pregnant or Breastfeeding Mothers"

"When intending to pay fidyah, Dream's friend needs to know the intention reading as the determinant of whether the fidyah that is submitted is valid or not. Here is the intention reading for fidyah for pregnant or breastfeeding women: نَوَيْتُ أَنْ أُخْرِجَ هَذِهِ الْفِدْيَةِ عَنْ إِفْطَارِ صَوْمِ رَمَضَانَ لِلْخَوْفِ عَلَى وَلَدِيَّ عَلَى فَرْضٍ لِلَّهِ تَعَالَى"

Translation: "It means: 'I intend to pay this fidyah to alleviate the responsibility of fasting during Ramadan because I am concerned for the safety of my child, as an obligation to Allah.'"

How to Pay Fidyah for Pregnant or Nursing Mothers, Complete with Arabic, Latin, and Meaningful Intention Recitation
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