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Apakah Orang yang Bermaksiat pada Malam Lailatul Qadar akan Mendapatkan Dosa 1.000 Bulan?

"Will a person who commits sins on the Night of Lailatul Qadar receive the sin of 1,000 months?"

Dream - Lailatul Qadar becomes a noble night for Muslims. In this moment, Muslims are encouraged to increase their worship to Allah SWT. One of the worship that friends of Dream can do is to pray. Insha Allah, praying during Lailatul Qadar is more effective and Allah SWT will grant the prayers of His servants. Therefore, do not waste the night of Lailatul Qadar. Especially for doing things that are forbidden by Allah SWT. Then, what if someone commits sins during the night of Lailatul Qadar? Does it mean that they will receive the sins of a thousand months, just like when they do good deeds?

To find out the explanation, here is a summary as compiled by Dream through various sources.

Will a person who commits sins on the night of Lailatul Qadar receive the sin of 1,000 months?

"Things to Avoid during the Night of Lailatul Qadar"

"At night of Lailatul Qadar, there are several things that should be avoided by Muslims. What are they?"

1. Wasting Time in Vain

The very noble Night of Power is the right moment to get closer to Allah SWT. Therefore, avoid wasting time during that moment. As explained in the hadith: "Whoever worships on the Night of Power with faith and sincerity, his past sins will be forgiven. And whoever fasts in the month of Ramadan with faith and sincerity, his past sins will be forgiven." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)

2. Leaving the Night Prayer

During the night of Lailatul Qadar, Dream's friends should not abandon the night prayer. This worship is very special, especially if it is performed on the night of Lailatul Qadar because there is abundant reward behind it. As explained in the following hadith: "Whoever wakes up during the night of Lailatul Qadar, then he will see the angels descending to the earth, they glorify Allah and seek forgiveness until dawn." (HR Ahmad)

3. Bad Thoughts about Allah SWT

Although the Prophet Muhammad has given guidance about the arrival of the Night of Lailatul Qadar, the exact time is still unknown. However, Dream's friends should not have negative assumptions about Allah SWT. Such assumptions can hinder blessings and happiness in life. Moreover, having negative assumptions will also prevent oneself from being grateful to Allah SWT. Whereas Allah SWT has already planned the best for every servant.

4. Debating and Arguing

Another thing to avoid during the night of Lailatul Qadar is arguing and fighting. Because on this night, it is filled with peace and tranquility. Creating conflicts during the night of Lailatul Qadar will only disturb worship and potentially reduce rewards. So, fill the night with good things, such as reading the Quran or listening to lectures.

5. Gossiping and Slandering

"Allah SWT does not like people who like to gossip and slander. Not only during Ramadan, but also outside of Ramadan. Especially during the noble night of Lailatul Qadar. When you have already done it, then recite the following prayer: اللَّهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لَنَا وَلَهُ Allahummaghfir lanaa wa lahuu. Meaning: 'O Allah, forgive us and forgive him (the person being slandered).'

6. Adultery

"Adultery is a deed that is greatly detested by Allah SWT and brings about a major sin. In addition, adultery also brings about numerous negative impacts. Therefore, it must be avoided. A person who commits adultery, especially on the night of Lailatul Qadar, will not receive any reward, and instead, the sin committed can multiply along with the punishment from Allah SWT."

7. Drunkard

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Another thing that should be avoided during the night of Lailatul Qadar is getting drunk. Whenever there are Muslims who get drunk, their prayers will not be accepted by Allah SWT for 40 days."

What if Committing Sin on the Night of Lailatul Qadar?

Then, what if there is a Muslim who commits sins on the night of Lailatul Qadar? Will they also receive the reward of a thousand months like when they do good deeds?

What if Committing Sin on the Night of Lailatul Qadar?

According to Buya Yahya, people who commit sins on the night of Lailatul Qadar are not the same as those who do good deeds. So, the evil that is done is not equivalent to a thousand months. However, the sins committed on the night of Lailatul Qadar are as evil as evil can be. This is because the degree of wickedness depends on who, when, and where the evil is committed. When an ordinary person commits a sin, they remain wicked. But if it is done by a religious scholar, then it is even more wicked.

Nah, during the night of Lailatul Qadar, a person who commits sins outside of Ramadan is considered wicked and sinful. However, if they do so during the month of Ramadan and during the night of Lailatul Qadar, then it is even greater. Thus, a person who commits sins during the night of Lailatul Qadar is indeed committing an act of evil. However, this evil is not counted as a thousand months. Because Allah SWT rewards those with good intentions. As for those who have evil intentions but do not act upon them, then it will not bring about any sin.

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