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"Back in Indonesia, TikTok Shop Accused of Violating Regulations"

Kembali hadir di Indonesia, TikTok Shop Dituding Melanggar Aturan

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Minister of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises, Teten Masduki, revealed allegations of violations by TikTok against the Minister of Trade Regulation (Permendag) Number 31 of 2023. This decision arises after TikTok Shop resumed operations following a collaboration with Tokopedia on Harbolnas, December 12, 2023, which is considered to have violated the applicable provisions."

"Permendag has clearly regulated that there is a separation between social media and e-commerce. So we implement multichannel. Now the question is, has Permendag 31 been fulfilled?"\u00a0"

Teten Masduki at the Press Conference of Reflekso 2023 & Outlook 2024 at Smesco Indonesia Building on Thursday (21/12/2023).


In response to the information, Teten stated that they are currently in discussions with the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) regarding this alleged violation. At this stage, the Tiktok platform has not clearly separated its e-commerce application from its social media platform, in accordance with the applicable regulations.

Kembali hadir di Indonesia, TikTok Shop Dituding Melanggar Aturan

"Today we see TikTok has taken over Tokopedia with an investment of Rp 22 trillion, has the separation requirement stated in Permendag 31 been fulfilled? We are currently discussing with the Minister of Trade, and we see that there have been no changes yet. There are indications of a violation of Permendag 31."

"Teten Masduki"

The translation of the text "Pemerintah Harus Tegas" from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "The Government Must Be Firm."

Teten emphasized that in this context, the government needs to demonstrate its consistency by following the established rules. This aims to establish a strong foundation in combating monopoly practices in the digital market. "Government consistency is necessary because it is an important basis for preventing monopoly practices in the realm of the digital market," stated Teten Masduki.

The Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (KemenKop UKM) is waiting for clarification from TikTok's party.

Fikri Satari, Special Staff to the Minister of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises, stated that the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises has coordinated with the Ministry of Trade and the Ministry of Communication and Information regarding the Buy Local campaign which will start on December 12, 2023, coinciding with Harbolnas. Although TikTok collaborates with Tokopedia, Fikri believes that transactions should be conducted on Tokopedia because only Tokopedia has a PPMSE permit.

"They are still selling on their social media, which should not be allowed, as it is prohibited by regulations that social media is a communication platform while TikTok conducts transactions. When talking about the TikTok collaboration platform, Tokopedia, the platform (buying and selling transactions) should be on Tokopedia because it already has PPMSE permits."

Fikri, Special Staff of the Minister of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises.


Fikri emphasizes that in the collaboration between TikTok and Tokopedia, transactions should take place on Tokopedia, which already has a PPMSE permit. In addition, he also states that the indicated violation comes from TikTok, not from Tokopedia. KemenKop UKM is now awaiting an official clarification from TikTok.

Kembali hadir di Indonesia, TikTok Shop Dituding Melanggar Aturan
Kembali hadir di Indonesia, TikTok Shop Dituding Melanggar Aturan

Previously, Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan stated that there would be a trial period of 3 to 4 months in the collaboration between TikTok and Tokopedia. However, Teten currently claims that the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (KemenKop UKM) and the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) have agreed on the same view. According to him, TikTok does not need to undergo a 4-month trial period because Minister of Trade Regulation Number 31 of 2023 does not regulate the transition period.

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