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"6 Unique Village Names List in Pamekasan Regency, For No 3 and Last, Don't Think Dirty"

Dream - Pamekasan Regency is one of the regions located in East Java Province, precisely on Madura Island. In this regency, which covers an area of 79,230 hectares, there are 13 districts consisting of 178 villages and 11 urban villages.

No Dirty Talk Allowed! Here is a List of 6 Unique Village Names in Pamekasan Regency, Number 3 and the Last One Will Make You Want to Travel Everywhere

District with everyday language This Madurese language apparently has many village names that sound unique. Even when hearing some of these unique village names for the first time, people will surely be shocked and embarrassed. The problem is that the village names in Pamekasan District give people negative connotations, even dirty ones.

List of Unique Village Names in Pamekasan

However, it should be understood that the naming of each region definitely has its own history that we must respect. Quoted from the Master File of Villages of the Central Bureau of Statistics of East Java Province 2023, here is a list of unique-named villages in Pamekasan Regency.

Desa Kramat

Desa Kramat

The village of Kramat is located in the southern part of Pamekasan Regency, precisely in Tlanakan District.

This region directly borders the sea located south of Madura Island. In the Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the word "Kramat" or "keramat" means sacred and blessed. This term refers to something believed to have magical powers and psychological effects that can influence others. The village of Kramat itself may hold a special history or belief related to the meaning of "keramat".

"Desa Lancar" translates to "Lancar Village" in English.

The following is the translation of the 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "Desa Lancar is located in the Larangan sub-district, Pamekasan. The uniqueness lies in the name of the sub-district, which is "Larangan," meaning prohibition."

Although located in a district with a name that contains taboos, Lancar Village actually has a name that gives a positive aura. The name "Lancar" gives the impression that all activities carried out by the villagers in this village will run smoothly.

"Desa Montok"

Desa Montok is one of the villages with a very unique name. This village is also located in Larangan District.

The name of this village makes anyone who hears it automatically uncomfortable and their mind immediately travels everywhere. However, the word "Montok" is a combination of two words. Those two words are "Temon" and "Ontok". In Madurese language, "Temon" means cucumber and "Ontok" means green bean. When combined, it becomes "Montok".

Desa Lemper (Village Lemper)

Desa Lemper (Village Lemper)

In the Pademawu District, Pamekasan Regency, there is a village that attracts attention because its name is similar to a delicious food.

The village is known by the name of Lemper Village. The name "Lemper" itself refers to a traditional food made from sticky rice wrapped in banana leaves. This food is usually filled with chicken or minced meat. Lemper Village may have taken inspiration from the uniqueness and deliciousness of the food, or there may be a local story or tradition related to the food.

"Desa Gagah" translates to "Gagah Village" in English.

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Another unique village that attracts attention is Gagah Village, located in Kadur District."

This village, whose name means strong or powerful, not only captures attention with its meaningful name, but has also achieved a number of remarkable accomplishments. Desa Gagah was awarded as a Thematic Village in 2021, received the Beautiful Village award in 2022, and obtained the Independent Village predicate in 2023.

Desa Toket

Desa Toket

The village that attracts attention and becomes a topic of conversation because of its striking name is Toket Village.

This village is located in the Proppo District and has become viral because of its vulgar impression. Nevertheless, Toket Village has its own charm as a center for producing batik in Pamekasan Regency. Despite its surprising name, Toket Village contributes significantly to the development of batik art in the region.

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