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Kesaksian Fedi Nuril Berhadapan dengan Tentara Israel saat di Palestina

Testimony of Fedi Nuril Confronting the Israeli Army while in Palestine

Actor Fedi Nuril shares his experience when interacting with the Israeli forces in Palestine in 2014.

Actor Fedi Nuril shares his experience when interacting with the Israeli forces in Palestine in 2014. "I will never forget Palestine after what I saw and felt there in 2014," said Fedi, on Monday, October 30, 2023, on his personal Twitter (@realfedinuril) Netizens are very curious and ask him to share the story. "Tell us a little bit, what did you see and feel in 2014," said a Twitter user. The actor who played Fahri in the film Ayat-Ayat Cinta also posted his story on his personal Instagram account.

"Story of Fedi Nuril on his Personal Instagram Account"

"In 2014, I went to Palestine to shoot a Ramadan program. When me and one of the crew members entered the Al-Aqsa Mosque to pray Zuhr and take pictures, I was stopped at the entrance gate by Israeli soldiers because I had a tripod and wireless microphone." "Strangely, even though the soldiers were fully armed, I didn't feel afraid. What was happening in Palestine was not a war, but forced occupation. The Israeli soldiers were supported by military technology from the US and other advanced countries, while the Palestinian people were defending themselves with limited weapons," recalled Fedi Nuril.

"History of the Israel-Arab-Palestinian War"

In the narrative, Fedi did not forget to explain in detail the history of the conflict between Arab and Israel.

"Before further discussion about Palestine, I want to tell a little history. Perhaps some friends do not know that the Levant region (including Palestine, Israel, Jordan, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon) has experienced a change of rulers since the Stone Age. The Levant was once ruled by Byzantium, Babylon, Rome, and the Ottoman Empire," explained Fedi.

Testimony of Fedi Nuril Confronting the Israeli Army in Palestine

"The Beginning of the Israel-Palestine War"

In the 20th century, the Ottoman Empire was defeated in World War I. Russia and Italy supported the division of the Ottoman Empire between Britain and France in 1916. This agreement was called the Sykes-Picot Agreement. Britain gained control over Palestine for access to India through the Suez Canal. They supported the establishment of Israel by the Zionists, as long as the civil rights of Arab-Palestinian citizens remained protected. The Balfour Declaration strengthened this support.

"Division of Palestinian Territories"

In 1937, Palestine was divided into 2 by the British, namely the Arab State (Palestine) and the Jewish part (Israel). The UN resolution in 1947 divided this territory, with Jerusalem as a corpus separatum managed by an International entity. Israel was established in 1948. The Arab communities (Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon) protected the southern and eastern territories of Palestine according to the UN resolution, not for Israel. The Arab-Israeli war was inevitable and resulted in the expulsion of over 700,000 Arab-Palestinian people, known as Al-Nakba (the catastrophe).

Fedi Nuril mentions that Israel commits crimes and human rights violations against Palestine.

Fedi Nuril mentions that Israel commits crimes and human rights violations against Palestine.

Based on his knowledge of history, Fedi stated that Israel's actions towards Palestine violate human rights and constitute a crime.

The Arab-Israeli ceasefire of 1949 established "the Green Line" dividing East and West Jerusalem, but Israel violated it, resulting in repeated wars that claimed lives. "As if blind and deaf to the condemnation of the UN and the international community, Israel continues to encroach and expand its territory. Until finally, in 2018, America recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Protests from the Palestinian people in Gaza were met with gunfire from the Israeli army," said Fedi. According to his historical knowledge, Fedi claims that Israel has committed human rights violations in Palestine.

Fedi Nuril is saddened to see human rights violations.

"I am very sad to see the crimes of human rights violations against the Arab-Palestinian people escalating. The Arab-Palestinian people do not have civil rights to live in Palestine. They have to become Israeli residents to have access to decent housing, education, and healthcare. I hope that the entire global community stops politicizing the Israeli occupation in Palestine and actively supports Palestinian independence. This is a humanitarian issue."

Fedi Prays Palestine is Protected by God

"I am certain that no ideology in the world justifies murder and violence against other human beings. No matter what your religion and beliefs are, how could killing children be considered 'normal'? May our brothers and sisters, the Arab-Palestinian people in Palestine, always be under His protection. Amen," he said.

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