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The Virtue of Performing Maghrib Prayer on Time and the Surahs Read by Prophet Muhammad SAW

The Virtue of Performing Maghrib Prayer on Time and the Surahs Read by Prophet Muhammad SAW

The Maghrib prayer time is considered the most blessed and merciful moment from Allah SWT.

Dream - Maghrib prayer is one of the obligatory prayers that must be performed by Muslims. This prayer, consisting of three rak'ahs, only has a very short time. Therefore, Dream's friends must hurry to perform Maghrib prayer so as not to be late. As stated in the hadith from Anas ra: "I have seen the senior companions of the Prophet Muhammad saw hurrying towards the pillars of the mosque during Maghrib." (HR. Bukhari)

"In addition, performing Maghrib prayer on time can also bring its own blessings."

The Virtue of Praying Maghrib on Time and the Surahs Read by the Prophet Muhammad PBUH

So, it's better for Dream friends to prepare it well so that this obligatory prayer doesn't be late. Here are the virtues of Maghrib prayer, its time limit, and the recommended recitation of the surah as summarized by Dream from various sources.

Keutamaan Sholat Maghrib dengan Tepat Waktu

"The Virtue of Performing Maghrib Prayer on Time"

Maghrib prayer is one of the prayers that has high virtues in Islam.

The Maghrib prayer time is at sunset, and this prayer is obligatory for Muslims. The virtue of Maghrib prayer includes the opportunity to remember Allah at sunset and as a means to seek forgiveness and blessings. Maghrib prayer has such great virtue that it surpasses the virtue of the world and all its contents.

The scholars agree that Maghrib prayer has its own virtue. Because it is a mandatory prayer that must be performed at a clearly specified time. This prayer time is also considered as the most blessed and merciful time from Allah SWT. Therefore, it is important for Muslims to perform it with full devotion and awareness.

When Muslims perform the Maghrib prayer on time, they are expected to receive blessings in their daily lives, as well as forgiveness and mercy from Allah SWT. From the above explanation, it can be concluded that the Maghrib prayer holds a high virtue in Islam. Performing the Maghrib prayer with focus and sincerity will bring blessings and paradise. Therefore, Muslims are strongly encouraged to perform this prayer with utmost devotion.

The mandatory deadline for observing the Maghrib prayer that must be observed by Muslims.

One of the obligations in practicing Islam is to perform the five daily prayers.

Batas Waktu Sholat Maghrib yang Wajib Diperhatikan Umat Islam

Maghrib prayer is one of the five prayer times and has its own time limit. Knowing the time limit for Maghrib prayer is very important, as it ensures that we fulfill the obligation of praying on time. The time limit for Maghrib prayer starts when the sun sets and ends when the red twilight light has completely disappeared from the sky. This time usually lasts for about 20 minutes after sunset.

However, the deadline for Maghrib prayer may vary depending on the geographical location and season. Therefore, we need to pay attention to the sunset and twilight time in our respective areas. In addition to the deadline for Maghrib prayer, the sky's appearance also plays an important role in determining this prayer's timing. The sky's view during and after sunset can provide clear guidance to start the Maghrib prayer.

This can be seen from the change in the color of the sky, where the red sunset light will turn into yellowish light and eventually become dark. When performing Maghrib prayer, paying attention to the signs of the sky can also provide us with a deep spiritual experience. Looking at the sky changing colors during sunset while contemplating the greatness of Allah SWT can enhance our devotion in prayer.

By doing so, knowing the prayer time of Maghrib and paying attention to the visible signs in the sky are important in performing the prayer worship. With awareness of the time and the universe created by Allah, we can be more focused and sincere in fulfilling our religious obligations.

"Letter in Maghrib Prayer Read by the Prophet Muhammad"

In Maghrib prayer, Dream's friends can read various types of letters found in the Al-Quran.

However, there are several letters that were read by the Prophet Muhammad (saw) and it is recommended for his followers to also do so. In a hadith it is explained: "In the Maghrib prayer, the Prophet Muhammad (saw) sometimes recited short letters that are included in the group of al-Mufashshal letters." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim) Then, in another hadith it is explained: "During a journey, he recited Wat tiini wazzaituun (at-Tin) in the second raka'ah." (Narrated by Ath-Thayalisi and Ahmad)

"Sometimes he reads long letters that belong to the group of al-Mufashshal letters or letters that are currently from that group, and sometimes he reads Alladzina kafaruu wa shadduu sabiilliilah (QS. Muhammad)." (HR. Ibn Khuzaimah ath-Thabrani and al-Maqdisi) "Sometimes he reads surat ath-Thur." (HR. Bukhari and Muslim) "Sometimes he reads surat al-Mursalat, he reads it in the last prayer he performs." (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)

"Sometimes he would recite one of the two long letters, Surah al-A'raf (for two units of prayer)." (Narrated by Bukhari, Abu Dawud, Ibn Khuzaimah) "And sometimes he would recite Surah al-Anfal for two units of prayer." (Narrated by Ath-Thabrani)

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