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The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "New Nickname This Becomes a Sign That Kim Jong Un's Daughter Will Become the Leader of North Korea"

This New Nickname is a Sign that Kim Jong Un's Daughter Will Become the Leader of North Korea

"Dream - North Korean Media (Korut) gives the nickname 'great person who provides guidance' to Kim Jong Un's daughter. This nickname is usually given to senior leaders and signifies her status as a potential successor to the leadership of Korut."

This New Nickname is a Sign that Kim Jong Un's Daughter Will Become the Leader of North Korea

Reported by The Straits Times, analysts revealed that this nickname is the first time given to Kim Jong Un's daughter by North Korean media.

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The North Korean Government media has never mentioned the name of Kim Jong Un's daughter, but the South Korean intelligence agency has identified her as Ju Ae. "This is the first expression of raising Kim Ju Ae to the ranks of a leader," said Yang Moo-jin, President of the North Korean Studies University in Seoul."

This New Nickname is a Sign that Kim Jong Un's Daughter Will Become the Leader of North Korea

The Director of the Korean Peninsula Strategy Center at the Sejong Institute, Cheong Seong-chang, explained that Kim Ju Ae has been given the nickname "hyangdo," which means guide. It is usually only used for top leaders or regime successors.

"The level of personal adoration for Kim Ju Ae indicates that she will replace Kim Jong Un as the next leader of North Korea," he said. Kim Jong Un, the grandson of North Korea's founding leader Kim Il Sung and the third generation of the Kim family to lead the country, married his wife Ri Sol Ju in 2009."

As for Kim Ju Ae, she was first introduced to the world by the Pyongyang government media in 2022, when she accompanied her father in launching an intercontinental ballistic missile. Since then, she has been seen in many official events with her father, including military exercises, visits to weapon factories, stops at chicken farms, and military parades.

In an image released by North Korea on Saturday, Ju Ae can be seen using binoculars to observe recent parachute training exercises, where she stood alongside her father and senior military officials. Prior to 2022, the only confirmation of Kim Ju Ae's existence came from former NBA star Dennis Rodman. He visited North Korea in 2013 and claimed to have met Kim Jong Un's baby daughter named Kim Ju Ae.

This New Nickname is a Sign that Kim Jong Un's Daughter Will Become the Leader of North Korea

South Korea initially indicated that Kim Jong Un and his wife Ri Sol Ju had their first son in 2010, while Kim Ju Ae is their second child.

However, last year, the South Korean unification minister said they could not confirm the existence of Kim Jong Un's son.

This New Nickname is a Sign that Kim Jong Un's Daughter Will Become the Leader of North Korea
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