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Ingin Dimudahkan dalam Menghafal Al-Quran? Amalkanlah Doa-Doa Ini, Insya Allah Diberikan Ketenangan dan Pikiran yang Fokus

Want to be facilitated in memorizing the Quran? Practice these prayers, God willing, you will be given peace and focused mind.

Dream - Al-Quran contains the words of Allah SWT. It is not only a guide for life, but also contains stories full of wisdom and prayers that have been offered by the prophets and can still be practiced until now. Muslims who memorize the Al-Quran will definitely receive special privileges from Allah SWT. For example, their lives will be honored in this world, the parents of the memorizers will be respected, and the bodies of the memorizers will remain intact in the grave until the Day of Judgment. However, memorizing the Al-Quran is not an easy matter.

"Extra patience is needed, accompanied by full perseverance, and always accompanied by prayer. Well, here are prayers that can be practiced to facilitate the memorization of the Quran as summarized by Dream through various sources."

Want to be Facilitated in Memorizing the Quran? Practice These Prayers, God Will Grant Peace and Focused Mind
Pentingnya Menghafal Al-Quran

The importance of memorizing the Quran

What is the importance of memorizing the Quran? Here are some of the importance of memorizing the Quran that friends of Dream need to know.


1. Imitating Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

The translation of the given text from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "Rasulullah (peace be upon him) was someone who memorized the Al-Quran. Every time the month of Ramadan arrives, the angel Jibril comes to check his memorization. Therefore, if we memorize the Al-Quran, we are essentially emulating him."


2. Main Capital of Learning Religion

By memorizing the Al-Quran, it will make it easier to learn religious knowledge. Because there are many verses in it that become the foundation of a problem in this life.

3. Magnificent Worship

Memorizing the Quran is a great act of worship. Where every letter that is read and memorized carries reward within it. Even in a hadith, it is mentioned that if we love the Quran, it is equivalent to loving Allah SWT and His Messenger.


"Prayer for Easy Memorization of the Quran"

In the process of memorizing the Al-Quran, it is important to accompany it with prayers. That is, to ask Allah SWT for ease. Here is a prayer to make it easier to memorize the Al-Quran.

The translation of the text "Doa Pertama" from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "First Prayer".

"Allahumma inni as aluka fahman nabiyyin, wa hifdzol mursalin, wa ilhamal malaikatil muqorrobin. Artinya: 'O Allah, indeed I ask You for the understanding of the Prophets, the memory of the Messengers, and the inspiration of the honored angels.'"

"Second Prayer"

"Allah, have mercy on me to leave sins as long as You still keep me alive, and have mercy on me so that I do not burden myself with something that is not beneficial to me, give me sustenance in the form of the pleasure of looking at what pleases You to me."

The prayer is to seek protection from sinful acts and things that are not beneficial. All of these can hinder the process of memorizing the Quran.

Want to be Facilitated in Memorizing the Quran? Practice These Prayers, God Will Grant Peace and Focused Mind

"Prayer Three"

"O Allah, I ask You for a soul that feels at peace with You, that believes in meeting You, that is satisfied with Your decree, and that is content with Your provision." (HR. At-Thabrani)

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