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To Be Acne-Free, Make Sure Your Face is Makeup-Free During Exercise.

To Be Acne-Free, Make Sure Your Face is Makeup-Free During Exercise.

Avoid using makeup when exercising, okay, Dream friends.

Dream - Awareness of a healthy lifestyle is increasingly being applied by many people, one of which is by exercising. It should be remembered that taking care of facial skin is equally important as taking care of overall body health.

To Be Acne-Free, Make Sure Your Face is Makeup-Free During Exercise

Many are still lazy to remove makeup while exercising. Even though the effect can be harmful to the skin condition. Although the reason for using makeup while exercising is to hide blemishes and redness on the skin.

To Be Acne-Free, Make Sure Your Face is Makeup-Free During Exercise
To Be Acne-Free, Make Sure Your Face is Makeup-Free During Exercise

Curious why this happened? Let's find out the explanation.

"Sweat and Makeup"

"Sweat and oil mixed with makeup on the face can clog pores and make you more prone to acne," said Dr. Joshua Ziechner, a dermatologist quoted from Acne can appear in various forms, ranging from whiteheads to pimples.

Keringat dan Makeup
To Be Acne-Free, Make Sure Your Face is Makeup-Free During Exercise

When we sweat a lot, we tend to wipe ourselves. This increases the risk of dirt and makeup entering the pores even more.

As a step to prevent irritation and acne, experts suggest cleaning the skin properly before exercising. Thorough cleansing with facial cleanser soap is highly recommended. If you want something more practical, use makeup wipes or makeup cleansing tissues that contain salicylic acid, as they can help remove dirt and excess oil.

Makeup Non-Comedogenic

The use of non-comedogenic makeup is considered good for preventing acne, although this is not always a guarantee. When a product is non-comedogenic, it does not mean that the product will not cause acne. When excessive sweat is combined with oil, the potential for acne still exists regardless of the product used.


Removing leftover mascara, eyeliner, or eyeshadow is also important because sweat can cause these products to seep into the skin, ultimately leading to the possibility of acne.

To Be Acne-Free, Make Sure Your Face is Makeup-Free During Exercise

"Suggestions for Facial Cleanser Content"

Facial cleansers with hydroxy acid are recommended to be used after exercising. Especially those that contain glycolic acid, because they are able to effectively remove oil from the skin. This is more effective compared to facial cleansers that focus on providing moisture. Report: Aisyah Cryshanty / source:

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