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5 Teknik Goreng Gyoza Khas Jepang, Lembut di Dalam Garing di Luar

"5 Techniques for Frying Japanese-style Gyoza, Soft on the Inside, Crispy on the Outside"

Dream - Savory snacks with a soft Japanese-style skin, Gyoza, including an appetizer dish that is highly favored in Indonesia. Gyoza is famous for its delicious texture, soft inside due to the filling, and crispy outside because of its fried skin. This is because the frying technique is not the same as regular frying. How is it done? Let's find out.

1. Use a Large Pan

The first tip, use a large and flat pan. This will help the frying process so that the gyoza doesn't stick. Using a large pan is also more efficient, resulting in crispier and better-shaped gyoza after frying. This method also makes the gyoza cook faster and the result is more optimal. If using a small pan, arrange the position of the gyoza so that they don't stick to each other when frying.

5 Techniques to Fry Japanese Gyoza, Soft on the Inside and Crispy on the Outside

2. Heat the pan over medium heat

Before starting frying, heat the pan that you will use first. Heat it with medium heat until the pan feels hot. So that the process of frying gyoza is faster and the result is more perfect. If possible, use a non-stick pan to fry gyoza, so that it is not troublesome when checking the level of doneness.


3. A little bit of oil

It's very different how to fry gyoza compared to other fried snacks, the key is to use a little oil. Just one tablespoon of oil is enough, spread it evenly on the pan using a food brush. This method makes the gyoza skin crispy but the inside remains soft. Don't worry, not too much oil will be absorbed into the gyoza.

5 Techniques to Fry Japanese Gyoza, Soft on the Inside and Crispy on the Outside

4. Arrange Gyoza

When arranging gyoza in a pan, pay close attention. Place the gyoza with the closed or flat side facing up on the preheated pan. Make sure the distance between each gyoza is enough so they don't stick and cook evenly. If they stick, there is a possibility that certain parts won't cook properly.


5. Pay Attention to Frying Time

After placing the gyoza in a hot pan with a little oil, fry it for 2-3 minutes. Fry until the bottom is brown and crispy. After that, add a little water and cover the pan. Let it sit for 5-7 minutes to cook the inside. While frying, continue to monitor and adjust the time so it doesn't burn.

5 Techniques to Fry Japanese Gyoza, Soft on the Inside and Crispy on the Outside

So, there you have it, five tips to fry gyoza so that it looks appetizing and tastes really delicious. Come on, try it yourself at home and experience the sensation of making a delicious snack that will earn praise from everyone! Source: is available on WhatsApp Channel, follow to get the latest information on this link

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