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Pengantin Hobi Jajanan SD, Gerobak Dibawa ke Pesta Pernikahan<br>

"Bride's Hobby of Snacking in Elementary School, Cart Brought to the Wedding Party"

Hobby Bride of Elementary School Snacks, Merchandise Cart Brought to Wedding Party

Dream - Wedding parties are always special moments for a couple of newlyweds. All preparations are made to celebrate it with joy. One of them is inviting relatives and siblings as special guests.

"Of course, a wedding party is not complete without a delicious feast. This is a sign that the host appreciates the invited guests. When attending a wedding party, there are usually many delicious food menus, both main dishes or side dishes."

"Jajanan SD" translates to "Elementary School Snacks" in English.

Recently, a video of a wedding party circulated that invited elementary school snack vendors to serve their goods as dishes for the invited guests. This moment at the wedding party was uploaded by the TikTok account @ellaaufarr.

Hobby Bride of Elementary School Snacks, Merchandise Cart Brought to Wedding Party

In the upload, it is seen that the elementary school snack vendors are busy serving the invited guests who order their food products. The invited guests also appear to be enjoying the snacks while documenting them.

The clear SD snacks in this post are basgor (fried meatballs) and rolled eggs. Next to the cart, there is also a large white paper with the word "free" written on it.

Hobby Bride of Elementary School Snacks, Merchandise Cart Brought to Wedding Party

The presence of these elementary school snack vendors is known because the bride has a hobby of enjoying these foods. Like a typical wedding, a buffet is served to fill the stomachs of the invited guests. So, the elementary school snacks that are sold are only used as snacks.

"Dirias Sambil Makan Jajanan" translates to "Talking while eating snacks" in English.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "The bride, who at that time was still getting ready and having her makeup done, did not miss out on enjoying these elementary school snacks. In the video upload, it can be seen that the bride enjoyed eating fried meatballs multiple times."

Hobby Bride of Elementary School Snacks, Merchandise Cart Brought to Wedding Party

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "The bride also looked happy while enjoying the snacks. Although she seemed focused on her makeup, several times she shook the food skewer she was holding, showcasing her favorite snack."

"Harvest Hilarious Comments from Netizens"

The moment of the wedding party that brought along the street food vendors received many funny comments from netizens. Many of them wanted a similar wedding party, selling dishes from MSME vendors.


"prasmanan ak tar seblak, telor gulung , basreng, es teh solo aja kali 😎" tulis akun @fitr 🍳(・‿・)ɞ. "huaa mau jg bginii mayan bantu2 pedagang keliling 😭" tulis akun @Berlianaashraf💍. "Ya Allah makanan nikahan impian gue dari dulu walaupun dari dulu juga belum dapet calonnya wkwk," tulis akun @J🐨. Laporan Marha Adani hadir di WhatsApp Channel, follow buat tahu informasi terkini di link ini https:\/\/\/DreamcoidWAChannel"

@ellaaufarr Punya manten anak jajan, nikahannya rame full jajanan SD 😌😌😌😌 #weddingunik #mantenlucu #weddingkudus ♬ Dj Es Krim Campina Sound Fyp - Nanda Fvnky
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