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"Fresh Recipe of Furious Admiral Ice and the Origin of Its Unique Name"

Dream - Es Laksamana Mengamuk, a drink with a unique name. Its name comes from a folklore that has been known for a long time. The story tells about an Admiral who got angry in a Kweni mango garden because he was involved in a conflict. The Admiral's anger was triggered because his wife was allegedly kidnapped by the owner of the Kweni mango garden. The Admiral responded by swinging his sword until dozens of Kweni mangoes were destroyed because of his anger.

After the Admiral left, the surrounding residents were confused to see scattered kweni mangoes. Then, a woman combined the kweni mangoes with coconut milk and brown sugar, creating a refreshing drink enjoyed by the entire community in the village. From this story, the name Es Laksamana Mengamuk was born. Knowing the origin or history of this original Malay drink would not be complete without trying to make it. So, let's directly try the recipe for Es Laksamana Mengamuk below.

Fresh Recipe of Furious Admiral Ice and the Origin of its Unique Name

Recipe for Es Laksamana Mengamuk

Ingredients: - 500 g ripe kweni mango, cut into 1 cm cubes - 200 g young coconut flesh, scraped lengthwise - 1 tsp basil seeds, soaked in water until they expand, drained - Ice cubes - 600 ml coconut milk from 1 coconut - ½ tsp salt - 3 pandan leaves, tied in a knot - 250 ml water - 250 g granulated sugar - ¼ tsp salt - 2 pandan leaves, tied in a knot


How to Make Coconut Milk Gravy

Boil coconut milk, salt, and pandan leaves in a pot, while continuously stirring until boiling. Remove from heat, then let it cool.

"How to Make Sugar Syrup"

Boil water, sugar, salt, and pandan leaves until boiling and sugar dissolves. Lift and then cool down.

Fresh Recipe of Furious Admiral Ice and the Origin of its Unique Name

"Presentation Method"

Insert mango, young coconut, and basil seeds into a serving glass, add sugar syrup and ice cubes according to taste. Pour with coconut milk sauce. Es Laksamana Mengamuk is ready to be enjoyed, deh.

Easy, my Dream friends. The taste of kweni mango, tangy and refreshing, mixed with coconut water, basil seeds, and coconut milk will make your taste buds dance. The name of this drink may sound fierce, my Dream friends, but I guarantee you'll be addicted to its taste. Source: Diadona.

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