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"5 Easy Ways to Clean Cooking Oil, Auto Clear"

Cooking Hack! 5 Cara Mudah Bersihkan Minyak Goreng, Auto Jernih

Dream - Cooking oil is one of the kitchen ingredients that is always used every day by the Indonesian community. Cooking oil plays an important role in adding flavor and aroma, as well as assisting cooking processes such as sautéing, frying, or making sauces.

It needs to be noted that the use of clean cooking oil is very important. Cleaning cooking oil regularly and storing it properly can ensure that the oil remains safe to use and does not contain particles that can be harmful to health. It is important to use it wisely to support a healthy lifestyle. Sahabat Dream can practice this method to clean dirty cooking oil after cooking so that it becomes clear again.

1. Menyaring dengan Saringan

1. Filtering with a Strainer

Start by allowing the oil to cool. Then, strain the oil using a fine strainer, coffee filter, or oil paper. This step will help remove any leftover fried food debris and discoloration.

Cooking Hack! 5 Cara Mudah Bersihkan Minyak Goreng, Auto Jernih

2. Mix with Corn Flour

Heat the mixture of oil and cornstarch over low heat, making sure to keep it from boiling. Stir continuously using a spatula and let the cornstarch mixture thicken for about 10 minutes. After that, Sahabat Dream can strain the mixture to obtain a cleaner oil.

3. Tambahkan Jeruk Nipis

3. Add Lime

Take the oil and heat it, then cut the lime into small pieces and put it into the oil. The remaining black particles from frying will stick to the lime. Then, remove the lime and strain.

Cooking Hack! 5 Cara Mudah Bersihkan Minyak Goreng, Auto Jernih
4. Jauhkan Minyak dari Sinar Matahari

4. Keep Oil away from Sunlight

Keep oil storage away from sunlight exposure, high temperatures, and humid environments to ensure that the oil remains in a healthy and high-quality condition.

5. Do not approach heat sources.

Avoid placing oil near heat sources such as stoves, where the oil can be exposed to additional heat from other cooking processes. Instead, Sahabat Dream can store the oil in the refrigerator and use it after it has solidified. Report by Amanda Syavira/ Source: Food NDTV

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