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"Find Out, Tea Presentation Techniques to Preserve Its Benefits"

"Do not do this when brewing tea!"

Find Out, Techniques for Serving Tea to Preserve its Benefits

Dream - Tea is a beverage that is often consumed every day. Having many benefits, tea is often used as a substitute for coffee. However, many still believe that drinking plain tea is only for the elderly.

Owner of Petik Tea Bar brand, Alvin Alhamdani said, tea is a beverage product that has a million benefits, and this tea is not much different from coffee.

Find Out, Techniques for Serving Tea to Preserve its Benefits

"The tea is usually identified as old and expensive. Here we want to give the perception that tea is not always associated with old, expensive, or anything like that, whereas tea is actually similar to coffee."
He said in the Mini Birthday Anniversary event of Ninja Xpress's 8th, Wednesday, 15th November 2023 in South Jakarta.



CEO of Petik Tea Bar, located on Perintis Street, Kuningan, South Jakarta, explains that the content of tea is almost the same as coffee, which contains caffeine.

Find Out, Techniques for Serving Tea to Preserve its Benefits
Kafein Dalam Teh

"Caffeine in Tea"

He conveyed, the caffeine contained in the tea is not as strong as coffee. The caffeine contained in tea only creates sparks or slow stimulation for the body to be pushed to stay stamina.

"The tea also contains caffeine which can boost the body or increase body stamina, but the stimulation is different from coffee caffeine. Coffee contains caffeine that can boost the body very quickly. Meanwhile, caffeine in tea works slowly, like a spark of stamina that keeps increasing from within the body."

"Alvin said."


"Help Brighten and Soften the Skin"

In addition, he also conveyed that tea has high antioxidant content. So it is beneficial for naturally softening the skin.

"Tips Brewing Tea"

In addition to showcasing its superior products, the owner of Petik Tea Bar also shares the method of brewing tea to ensure its maximum benefits are preserved. He suggests that the tea should be steeped for approximately 3 minutes. It should be left to settle with water at a temperature of 60 to 80 degrees, based on a ratio of 200 ml of water. The ideal average temperature is 70 degrees with a steeping content of 200 ml, equivalent to 0.8 glasses.


“Whether it's tea powder or tea bags, steep for a maximum of 3 minutes in a cup. Just 3 minutes is enough for both the powder or the tea bag to be reused for a second cup.”
"tuturnya" in English is "he/she speaks."


The following is the translation of the provided 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The man who is involved in the tea and coffee business explains that tea should not be left for too long because it will become thick. This makes the content of the tea less good and its oxidation incomplete."

Find Out, Techniques for Serving Tea to Preserve its Benefits

Danger of Strong Tea

"Moreover, a number of experts also confirm that tea that is too thick or concentrated can have a negative effect on the kidneys and disrupt their function. (Report: M Bintang Alfan Nur Fauzi)"

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