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"Fresh Ginger Vs Dried Ginger, Which One is Healthier?"

Please note that the translation of the HTML tags may vary depending on the context. Here's the translation of the given text while preserving the HTML tags: "Listen to the following explanation from experts about fresh ginger and dried ginger."

Dream - Spices become ingredients in cooking that add a touch of flavor and enhance the aroma. One spice that is often used in cooking is ginger. Besides serving as a seasoning, ginger is also known to have benefits as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties, and contains powerful gingerol compounds.

Fresh Ginger vs Dried Ginger, Which is Healthier?

"Some people choose to consume ginger in its fresh state, while others prefer to enjoy it in the form of dried powder. Curious which one is better, consuming ginger in its fresh or dried form?"

Fresh Ginger vs Dried Ginger, Which is Healthier?

A leading nutritionist and macrobiotic health coach, Shilpa Arora, explains the differences between fresh ginger and dried ginger, as well as their respective benefits.

Fresh Ginger vs Dried Ginger, Which is Healthier?
Fresh Ginger vs Dried Ginger, Which is Healthier?

"Let's find out together so that you don't choose the wrong ginger, each with its own differences."

"Differences between Fresh Ginger and Dried Ginger"
1. Benefits of Fresh Ginger

With a rich aroma and a spicy taste, this fresh ginger is often used in curry dishes. In the market, this ginger is easily found and is even often used as a refreshing infusion tea. "Fresh ginger contains the active compound gingerol, has a higher water content, helps detoxify the body, improves digestion, prevents nausea, and strengthens the body's immunity against flu and colds," says Shilpa Arora.


2. Benefits of Dried Ginger

"On the other hand, dried ginger or also known as saunth is produced from fresh ginger roots that have been dried and then blended into a fine powder."

2. Manfaat Jahe Kering<br>

"Dried ginger has higher nutritional content and is often used as a garnish in recipes such as chutney, achar, as well as in traditional medicines like churan and kadha. 'Dried ginger contains nutrients that can help prevent oxidative stress, has anti-inflammatory properties to relieve joint pain and inflammation, as well as improve digestion and alleviate respiratory problems,' said Shilpa."

Which is Better Between Fresh Ginger and Dried Ginger?

Shilpa concluded that dried ginger has a high concentration of nutrients, making it a better choice for addressing various health issues.

Which is Better Between Fresh Ginger and Dried Ginger?
Fresh Ginger vs Dried Ginger, Which is Healthier?

However, Shilpa also emphasizes that fresh ginger has the same advantages, namely as an addition to the water content in food or drinks, as well as having better antioxidant properties.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "Essential oil gingerol in fresh ginger makes it an effective choice for treating colds and sore throats. Therefore, both dried ginger and fresh ginger have their respective benefits. Both types of ginger are equally important to be used as a natural ingredient to maintain health and fitness. Report: Aisyah Cryshanty/ Source: NDTV Food"

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