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Kerennya Jepang, Gambar Iklan Makanan Jepang 100% Sesuai dengan Isinya

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "The coolness of Japan, Japanese Food Advertisement Image 100% in accordance with its content."

Dream - Dream friends must already know that there are many items that do not match the advertised pictures. Often we come across products like food ads that are not the same as what is sent or sold. Not only in appearance, most food ads have gone through editing processes to make them look more delicious and bigger.

Even many snacks whose packaging looks inflated, but when the contents are opened, there are only a few pieces. The packaging of the snacks appears large and inflated because it contains more air. However, the actual deception is not visible in food advertisements in Japan. Food advertisements in Japan are guaranteed to be exactly the same, 100% accurate with the original. This can be seen in the video shared by the Instagram account @bisnismillenial below.

In the video, several packages of Japanese snacks are seen arranged in a row on the table.

Keren dan No Tipu-Tipu! Camilan di Jepang 100% Akurat dengan Gambar Iklan pada Kemasannya
Keren dan No Tipu-Tipu! Camilan di Jepang 100% Akurat dengan Gambar Iklan pada Kemasannya

The snack consists of cookies, candies, and even chocolates with eye-catching packaging.

Keren dan No Tipu-Tipu! Camilan di Jepang 100% Akurat dengan Gambar Iklan pada Kemasannya

"In every snack package, it shows an example picture of the food that the buyer will later get."

The video uploader then tries to assess the level of suitability between the image and the content of this Japanese food. With numbers 1-10, the first snack called Caplico appears to receive a score of 10.

Keren dan No Tipu-Tipu! Camilan di Jepang 100% Akurat dengan Gambar Iklan pada Kemasannya
Keren dan No Tipu-Tipu! Camilan di Jepang 100% Akurat dengan Gambar Iklan pada Kemasannya

The problem is, starting from the shape, color, and size, it is exactly the same as the picture on the packaging.

"Even when cut, the Caplico remains exactly the same as the picture on its packaging."

Keren dan No Tipu-Tipu! Camilan di Jepang 100% Akurat dengan Gambar Iklan pada Kemasannya
Keren dan No Tipu-Tipu! Camilan di Jepang 100% Akurat dengan Gambar Iklan pada Kemasannya

"Next, testing the compatibility of Languly brand cookies, which turned out to be just as accurate as the original."

Dapat Skor 9

"Score 9"

"Unfortunately, when opened and compared to its packaging, the sugar is not evenly distributed as shown in the picture."

The comparison continues on snacks in the form of chocolate balls that received a score of 10/10 because the shape, color, and size are exactly the same.

Keren dan No Tipu-Tipu! Camilan di Jepang 100% Akurat dengan Gambar Iklan pada Kemasannya
Keren dan No Tipu-Tipu! Camilan di Jepang 100% Akurat dengan Gambar Iklan pada Kemasannya

"So it turns out that the content looks exactly the same as the picture on the packaging."

Keren dan No Tipu-Tipu! Camilan di Jepang 100% Akurat dengan Gambar Iklan pada Kemasannya

"Unfortunately, the shape of KitKat chocolate candy is not very precise in terms of its size and shape, so it only scores 7."

"Next, the video uploader tests the compatibility of Japanese snacks in the form of chocolate-coated biscuits, specifically the Bourbon brand."

Keren dan No Tipu-Tipu! Camilan di Jepang 100% Akurat dengan Gambar Iklan pada Kemasannya
Keren dan No Tipu-Tipu! Camilan di Jepang 100% Akurat dengan Gambar Iklan pada Kemasannya

"After being opened and compared with the image on the packaging, it turns out to be exactly the same."

"Even the similarity is not only in color, but the image of the ship in the middle is also the same."

Keren dan No Tipu-Tipu! Camilan di Jepang 100% Akurat dengan Gambar Iklan pada Kemasannya
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