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7 Rahasia Menggoreng Kulit Ikan Salmon, Gurih dan Krenyes

7 Secrets of Frying Salmon Skin, Savory and Crispy

Rahasia Menggoreng Kulit Ikan Salmon, Gurih dan Krenyes

Dream - Salmon skin has a very savory flavor. Usually, salmon skin is processed by frying or grilling it until crispy. The taste is so authentic with a crispy texture that delights the palate.

Rahasia Menggoreng Kulit Ikan Salmon, Gurih dan Krenyes

The skin of salmon contains high levels of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. This content is very beneficial for heart health, protecting the brain from degeneration, and maintaining skin elasticity.

Rahasia Menggoreng Kulit Ikan Salmon, Gurih dan Krenyes

"More specifically, here are some tips for frying salmon skin to achieve a crispy result and maintain optimal nutrition."

1. Choose Fresh Salmon Skin.

Make sure the selected salmon is still fresh as this affects the final quality of the dish produced. Fresh salmon skin will provide a crispier and more delicious texture after frying.


2. Separate the Skin from the Meat

After selecting fresh salmon, carefully separate the skin from the flesh. This is to ensure that there are no remaining pieces of flesh attached to the skin, which can affect the crispiness of the skin when fried.


3. Dry the Salmon Skin

Before frying, make sure the salmon skin is completely dry. Use kitchen paper or a clean cloth to dry it so that the moisture in the skin is reduced, resulting in a crispier final outcome when fried.


4. Sprinkle with Flour

Coat the salmon skin with flour before frying. The flour will provide a crispier and crunchier fried result, enhancing the pleasure when eaten. Versatile flours such as cornstarch, tapioca, rice, or Japanese bread crumbs can be used to coat the fish skin.


5. Pay Attention to the Use of Cooking Oil

Use an adequate amount of oil when frying the skin of salmon to ensure a crispy and evenly cooked texture. Avoid using excessive oil to prevent it from being too oily.


6. Heat the oil before frying.

Make sure the oil has been heated before frying the salmon skin. Hot oil will quickly form a outer layer on the salmon skin, preventing excessive oil absorption and maintaining a crispy texture.


7. Use Medium Heat

Use medium to low heat when frying salmon skin. This will help the frying process to evenly cook the salmon skin and keep it crispy. Do not fry the salmon skin for too long to avoid it becoming too hard, burnt, or oily. Source: Diadona.

Rahasia Menggoreng Kulit Ikan Salmon, Gurih dan Krenyes
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