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Resep Minuman Buko Pandan, Tenggorokan Segar Saat Cuaca Panas

Recipe for Buko Pandan Drink, Refreshing Throat for Hot Weather

Resep Minuman Buko Pandan, Tenggorokan Segar Saat Cuaca Panas

Dream - Have you ever heard of buko pandan drink? This sweet and refreshing dish is a Filipino original. It is a type of jelly with a unique pandan flavor and distinct fragrance, then it is poured with a milk sauce that makes it creamy.

Resep Minuman Buko Pandan, Tenggorokan Segar Saat Cuaca Panas

Also has a savory taste that is delicious because there is a sprinkling of grated cheese. Has the aroma of coconut, milk, and fragrant pandan, plus there is a fresh sensation from the agar-agar that makes it refreshing in texture.

"To make it also doesn't make a hole in the pocket. The making process is also easy, plus it tastes delicious. Come on, try making this drink yourself at home."

Recipe Buko Pandan

Ingredients: 100 grams of pearl sago Coconut ingredient kw: 1 sachet of young coconut nutrijel 100 grams of sugar 1 sachet of instant coconut milk 65ml 500 ml of water 1/2 teaspoon of salt Pandan jelly ingredients: 1 sachet of plain nutrijel 100 grams of sugar 1/2 teaspoon of salt 500 ml of water 2-3 drops of pandan paste

Resep Minuman Buko Pandan, Tenggorokan Segar Saat Cuaca Panas

Sauce ingredients: 1 can of evaporated milk, 150 ml of liquid milk, 200 ml of condensed milk, 2-3 drops of pandan paste. Accompaniment: 7 cups with a size of 300ml.

How to make: Cook pearl sago until cooked. For faster results, use the 7305 method. What is it? It means cooking pearl sago in boiling water for 5 minutes, then turning off the stove, covering the pot, and letting it sit for 30 minutes, then cooking again for 7 minutes. Put all the young coconut ingredients into a pot, cook until boiling, then pour into a container, let it set, then scoop it with a coconut scoop, set aside.

Insert all pandan jelly ingredients into a pot, cook until boiling and then pour into a mold, let it set and then cut into cubes, set aside. Mix all fla ingredients in a bowl, also add pandan paste and stir until well blended. Prepare all the ingredients, arrange them in coconut cup, pandan jelly, and pearl sago, then pour fla.

"Buko pandan creamy that is refreshing and tempting, it will definitely make you drool! Let's make it right away at home, Dream friends. Source: Diadona."

Resep Minuman Buko Pandan, Tenggorokan Segar Saat Cuaca Panas
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