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Roti Canai Dinobatkan The Best Bread in The World versi TasteAtlas, Penasaran Mau Bikin?

"Roti Canai Dinobatkan The Best Bread in The World versi TasteAtlas, Penasaran Mau Bikin?" translates to: "Roti Canai awarded The Best Bread in The World according to TasteAtlas, Curious to Make It?"

Roti Canai Dinobatkan The Best Bread in The World versi TasteAtlas, Penasaran Mau Bikin?

Dream - There is exciting news from the culinary world. Roti Canai, a typical Malaysian bread that is also widely prepared by people from Aceh, has just been crowned as the best bread of 2023 according to TasteAtlas. Those who have tasted it surely know the delicious taste of this bread.

Roti Canai Dinobatkan The Best Bread in The World versi TasteAtlas, Penasaran Mau Bikin?
Roti Canai Dinobatkan The Best Bread in The World versi TasteAtlas, Penasaran Mau Bikin?

Not only enjoyed with curry, Canai bread can also be enjoyed with various other side dishes. Canai bread can be enjoyed with meat, eggs, cheese, or dipped in spicy sauce.

Besides its deliciousness, Canai bread is also known for its unique production process, you know! The dough is kneaded until very thin, folded repeatedly, and then baked using butter or oil. The result? Layers of soft and very tasty bread. Curious about how to make Canai bread? Let's take a look at the recipe that Dream has summarized from Diadona.

Recipe for Roti Canai Malaysia

Ingredient Dough: 1 kg wheat flour 2 chicken eggs 2 sachets of condensed milk 1 1/2 tablespoons of salt 1 glass of water 1/2 tablespoon of sugar 2 tablespoons of margarine Coating Ingredients: Margarine Cooking oil (to help flatten and fry)


How to make: Put water, eggs, condensed milk, sugar, salt, mix well. After everything is mixed, add flour, then finally add margarine and knead until it doesn't stick to your hands and the dough becomes soft. If it is still hard, you can add water until the dough is just right.

Then shape the dough into a ball. If it has been shaped, spread margarine over the entire surface of the dough and use a covered container to let the dough rest for at least 1 hour. After resting, the next step is to take the dough and dip your hands in oil to make it easier to spread. Once it is thin, take it from one side and pull it upwards, then roll it. Repeat until the dough is finished.

Keep it for a while and then press it a bit wider and ready to fry. Pay attention to not use too much oil, Dream Friends. The last step is to lift it when it's cooked. And enjoy. Now, are you curious to try making it at home, Dream Friends? The combination of delicious flavors and its ability to 'fit' in many dishes from various cultures makes this bread a star in the culinary world.

Roti Canai Dinobatkan The Best Bread in The World versi TasteAtlas, Penasaran Mau Bikin?
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