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Jangan Sampai Mengering, Begini Cara Menjaga Tekstur Kue Tetap Lembut

"Do Not Let It Dry, Here's How to Keep the Texture of the Cake Soft"

Don't Let It Dry, Here's How to Keep the Texture of the Cake Soft

Dream - Cake is often a choice of food to lift the mood. Usually, a larger-sized cake is made or bought for special occasions. Dream friends can also enjoy it while having tea or coffee.

Don't Let It Dry, Here's How to Keep the Texture of the Cake Soft

You can also find various textures of cakes. Now many chefs can make cakes with soft, dry, and moist textures.

Don't Let It Dry, Here's How to Keep the Texture of the Cake Soft

Despite that, soft-textured or moist cakes are more often consumed during birthday celebrations and are easily found in cafes. The available sizes vary, ranging from sliced to full cake.

If Dream friends prefer to buy whole-sized cakes, store them properly. Soft-textured cakes can dry out and change their taste. Even soft cakes are also prone to mold. The same goes when you make it yourself at home. Follow the following tips to ensure that the texture of the cake remains soft even if stored for a long time.

1. Gunakan Tepung Kue

1. Use Cake Flour

Preserving the HTML tags, the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' is as follows: "Preserving the texture of the cake can be done by paying attention to how it is processed. If the desired cake recipe requires the use of all-purpose flour, replace it with cake flour."

Don't Let It Dry, Here's How to Keep the Texture of the Cake Soft

Cake flour can make the texture of the cake softer. Adding sour cream, buttermilk, or apple sauce can also make the texture of the cake softer and prevent it from drying out easily.

2. Avoid Overmixing

Stirring the butter for too long can trap air and cause it to deflate in the oven. This can make the cake denser. Mixing the cake batter after adding the dry ingredients can result in an excessive amount of gluten, making the texture harder and drier.

3. Suhu Pemanggangan yang Tepat

3. The Right Baking Temperature

The temperature of the oven when making a cake is usually around 160 degrees Celsius. Baking at a much higher temperature can make the cake drier. Use a separate oven thermometer to ensure the baking temperature.

4. Avoid Baking for Too Long

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "The baking time for cakes may vary, depending on their size. When the cake is about to be cooked, it is recommended to perform a maturity test using a toothpick. You just need to insert the toothpick into the middle part of the cake. If the toothpick comes out clean without any wet batter sticking to it, it means that the cake is already cooked and ready to be taken out of the oven."

5. Tambahkan Kelembapan di Antara Lapisan Kue

5. Add Moisture Between Cake Layers

You can use a moist textured layer to add moisture to the cake. For example, on a chocolate cake, try using cherry pie filling or mousse as a filling.

6. Give Frosting to the Cake

6. Give Frosting to the Cake

When serving cake, it is recommended to apply frosting after baking. After that, immediately store the cake tightly and keep it in the refrigerator.

Don't Let It Dry, Here's How to Keep the Texture of the Cake Soft

The recommended storage time in the refrigerator is not more than three days to ensure the quality and moisture of the cake.

7. Simpan Kue dengan Benar

7. Save the Cake Properly

When the cake is left at room temperature without a cover, it will dry out. As a solution, store the cake by covering it with plastic wrap and aluminum foil to preserve its texture.

Report from Amanda Syavira/Source: is available on WhatsApp Channel, follow to get the latest information on this link

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