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Racikan Mi Rebus Medan, Kuah Kentalnya Sedap Bikin Ketagihan

"Medan's Special Boiled Noodle Recipe, Its Thick and Delicious Broth is Addictive"

Medan's Special Recipe for Boiled Noodles, Its Thick and Delicious Broth is Addictive

Dream - Mie rebus Medan, a typical dish from North Sumatra, offers a special flavor in one bowl. Made from yellow noodles, the delicious thick broth makes it so special.

Medan's Special Recipe for Boiled Noodles, Its Thick and Delicious Broth is Addictive

Usually served with tofu, eggs, potatoes, crackers, and chili sauce, Medan boiled noodles have their own distinctive characteristics. Unlike regular boiled noodles, this Medan version has a unique broth, made from the savory taste of shrimp as its main ingredient.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "The richness of its thick broth makes it even more tempting. Want to taste the delicious sensation? Take note of the recipe and make it yourself at home."

Medan's Special Recipe for Boiled Noodles, Its Thick and Delicious Broth is Addictive

Recipe for Medan Thick Broth Boiled Noodles

Ingredients: Yellow noodles Some shrimp 10 tablespoons of tapioca flour 1 ½ tablespoons of wheat flour Sufficient amount of water Topping: 2 handfuls of dried shrimp, roasted Thinly sliced celery leaves Fried onions Blanched bean sprouts Boiled and diced potatoes Fried tofu Boiled eggs Fried emping (Indonesian crackers)


Ingredients for Ground Spices: 12 cloves of shallots, 10 cloves of garlic, 4 candlenuts, 1 cm of ginger, 1 teaspoon of cumin. Complementary Seasoning Ingredients: 10 bay leaves, 8-10 kaffir lime leaves, 2 stalks of lemongrass (bruised), 2 cinnamon sticks, 5 cardamom pods, 10 cloves, 1 nutmeg (bruised), 3 star anise flowers, Sufficient amount of brown sugar, Sweet soy sauce, Salt, sugar, and pepper. Totole.

How to Make: Blender all the fine seasoning ingredients, set aside. Soak the dried shrimp first, then wash until clean. Then, blend the dried shrimp briefly, and toast it over low heat. Add pepper, sugar, and soy sauce. Toast the dried shrimp until dry. Set aside. Boil water, boil the shrimp heads and shells for 20-25 minutes to make the broth.

Use a small fire. When it is cooked, lift and strain the shrimp broth. Sauté the ground spices until cooked. Add all the complementary spices and shrimp broth. Cook until fragrant. Add half of the previously roasted dried shrimp, mix well. Adjust the taste, pour the tapioca and flour solution. Cook until the broth thickens.

Boil the yellow noodles briefly, arrange them on a plate, then pour the cooked broth. Add the toppings on top. Ready to be served. Source: Diadona.

Medan's Special Recipe for Boiled Noodles, Its Thick and Delicious Broth is Addictive
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