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Garing dan Gurih, Bikin Sendiri Bayam Crispy Cabe Garam <br>

"Crunchy and Savory, Make Your Own Crispy Spinach with Chili Salt"

Garing dan Gurih, Bikin Sendiri Bayam Crispy Cabe Garam

Dream - Daunnyya is rich in fiber, contains iron, and has a delicious taste, making spinach a favorite vegetable. Usually, spinach is often cooked into soup or stir-fried, creating a distinctive flavor that suits the Indonesian palate.

Have Sahabat Dream ever tried crispy spinach with chili and salt? Besides being delicious, this spinach dish can be a new way to consume it. You can also sprinkle it on warm rice as a companion to your favorite dish.

Garing dan Gurih, Bikin Sendiri Bayam Crispy Cabe Garam

"If you're curious about the taste, you can follow the recipe for crispy spinach with chili and salt shared by the Instagram account @bbqmountainboys. You only need a few kitchen ingredients, and you can already make this super delicious spinach kremes. Come on, let's take a look at how to make it!"


8 stalks of spinach Cayenne pepper (according to taste) 4 cloves of garlic 1 scoop of all-purpose flour 2 teaspoons of fish sauce 1 tablespoon of powdered broth 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar ¼ tablespoon of flavor enhancer ½ tablespoon of salt

"How to Make"

1. Slice small spinach and chili padi that have been washed clean.2. Peel the garlic, then crush and slice until crushed.3. Prepare a container for the spinach, then pour all-purpose flour. Stir until well mixed.4. Prepare a frying pan filled with hot oil, then put in the spinach that has been coated with flour. Cook until the spinach is dry.5. Drain the spinach and place it on a tissue paper. Store it first.

6. Prepare a frying pan with a sufficient amount of hot oil, then add chili, garlic, powdered broth, and fish sauce. Cook until dry and fragrant. 7. Strain the chili and garlic to remove excess oil. 8. Prepare a heated frying pan without oil, then add spinach, the mixture of chili and garlic, granulated sugar, flavor enhancer, and salt. Stir until all ingredients are well mixed. 9. Transfer the spinach to a serving plate. Crispy chili salt spinach is ready to accompany warm rice and your favorite dish.

Bayam <i>Crispy </i>Cabe Garam ala Mang Jajang @bbqmountainboys

Spinach Crispy Salted Chili ala Mang Jajang @bbqmountainboys

"How, Dream friends, how to make it very easy, right? If served as a companion to hot rice, appetite can increase, you know! Especially with the addictive spicy taste. Come on, try this recipe at home! Report by Marha Adani Putri" is present on WhatsApp Channel, follow to find out the latest information on this link https:\/\/\/DreamcoidWAChannel

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