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10 Harta Karun Kuno yang Ditemukan Arkeolog Sepanjang 2023

"10 Ancient Treasures Discovered by Archaeologists Throughout 2023"

<b>1. Koin tembaga disimpan dalam kendi tanah liat di Polandia</b>

1. Copper coins are stored in clay jars in Poland.

A metal detector in a farmer's field in Poland was surprised to have discovered a hoard of 1,000 buried copper coins beneath the top layer of soil. Further investigation revealed the discovery of fragments of "siwak", made of clay, which is a local jug with a narrow neck and handle, filled with coins minted in Warsaw in the 17th century.

2. Bronze coins were found in an ancient Buddhist temple in Pakistan.

2. Bronze coins were found in an ancient Buddhist temple in Pakistan.

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Archaeologists in Pakistan have discovered a collection of 2,000-year-old bronze coins among the ruins of an ancient Buddha temple known as a stupa."

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The coins and sacred places are connected to the Kushan Empire, a Buddhist religious government that ruled from the 2nd century BC to the 3rd century AD. The coins merge into a single green mass weighing approximately 12 pounds (5.5 kilograms)."

<b>3. Kalung emas akibat tanah longsor di Spanyol</b>

3. Gold necklace due to landslide in Spain

Landslide in northern Spain reveals two beautiful "adorned" gold necklaces that were buried about 2,500 years ago. Based on the style and technique used to create the jewelry, archaeologists conclude that the necklaces were made around 500 BC, during the Iron Age in Iberia.

<b>4. Bengkel kaca Zaman Besi yang dipenuhi koin Celtic di Republik Ceko</b><br>

4. Iron Age Glass Workshop filled with Celtic coins in the Czech Republic.

In the Czech Republic, archaeologists have discovered the oldest glass workshop in the northern part of the Alps, and according to them, it may have been used for ritual purposes. The 2,300-year-old workshop contains a number of finished glass and amber items, including beads and bracelets, as well as 2,000 gold and silver coins made by the Celtic people.

5. Bronze Age Sword and thousands of medieval coins in Germany

5. Bronze Age Sword and thousands of medieval coins in Germany

A group of environmental conservation volunteers discovered around 8,000 medieval coins and seven Bronze Age swords while working at three separate locations in Germany.

The following is the translation of the 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The archaeologists speculate that the 3,000-year-old weaponry may have been placed there as part of sacrificial offerings. These coins, which were divided into two locations, are part of the largest Slavic coin hoard from the 11th century."

6. Golden hair ring at the Bronze Age burial site in Wales

6. Golden hair ring at the Bronze Age burial site in Wales

A luxurious "gold hair ring" is part of the Bronze Age burial found along the road in Wales. When archaeologists excavated the burial site, they also found a wooden comb considered to be the oldest wooden comb ever discovered in England.

7. Collection of large amounts of coins in Japan.

7. Collection of large amounts of coins in Japan.

During the construction project of a factory in northern Tokyo, workers were amazed when they discovered around 100,000 coins buried at the site. The collection of currency was divided into 1,060 bundles and dated between 175 BC and 1265 AD. The first ones originated from China and contained the Chinese inscription "Banliang," which translates to "half an ounce."

<b>8. Kuil bawah air yang penuh dengan harta karun di Mesir</b><br>

8. Underwater temple filled with treasures in Egypt

The following translation is in English while preserving the HTML tags: "Underwater archaeologists exploring the canals off the coast of Mediterranean Egypt discovered a partially collapsed underwater temple filled with treasures."

Collapse around the middle of the second century BC and established for the ancient Egyptian god, Amun. This site reveals wealth in the form of "wealth and secrets". Discoveries involve silver ritual instruments, gold jewelry, and alabaster containers.

<b>9. Cangkir pelangi yang dicetak oleh bangsa Celtic di Jerman</b><br>

9. Rainbow cups printed by the Celtic people in Germany

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Rainbow cup 2,000 years old, printed by the Celtic people, was found on the riverbank in Germany. This cup-shaped gold coin has rare design elements, namely a four-pointed star surrounded by an arch. The rainbow glass gets its name based on the Celtic legend that it is a drop of gold that fell to the earth at the end of the rainbow."

10. Coins from the Civil War era are buried in Kentucky's cornfield.

10. Coins from the Civil War era are buried in Kentucky's cornfield.

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "Prize of 700 coins from the Civil War era was discovered by a man working in his cornfield in Kentucky. The cache, dubbed the "Great Kentucky Hoard," contained hundreds of gold coins minted between 1840 and 1863, as well as a handful of silver coins."

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