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"Stay calm, Electricity Rates will not increase until March 2024 for this Group"

Dream - Society can breathe a sigh of relief in welcoming the New Year 2024. The reason is that the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) has confirmed that it will not increase the electricity tariff for the period of January-March 2024 for 13 non-subsidized customer groups. "The electricity tariff for January to March 2024 has been decided to remain unchanged in order to maintain the competitiveness of businesses, preserve the purchasing power of the society, and control the level of inflation in the new year," said Director General of Electricity, Jisman P. Hutajulu, as quoted from, Wednesday, December 27, 2023.

Customers Subsidy Also Not Increased

Not only for electricity customers whose costs are not borne by the government, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources also ensures that the rates for 25 subsidized customer groups do not change and still receive electricity subsidies.

Customers Subsidy Also Not Increased

"Including social customers, poor households, small industries, and customers whose electricity is allocated for micro, small, and medium enterprises or MSMEs,""

ucap Jisman P. Hutajulu.

Tenang! Tarif Listrik Takkan Naik Sampai Maret 2024

According to Jisman, the decision not to increase electricity tariffs is part of the Government's efforts through the electricity sector to maintain the competitiveness of business actors, preserve the purchasing power of the community, and maintain the level of inflation.

Tenang! Tarif Listrik Takkan Naik Sampai Maret 2024

The government also expects PLN to continue making efforts to take operational efficiency measures and drive electricity sales more aggressively while still maintaining the quality of service provided to the public.

Tenang! Tarif Listrik Takkan Naik Sampai Maret 2024

According to the provisions in the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation Number 28 of 2016 jo. Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation Number 8 of 2023, the adjustment of electricity tariffs for non-subsidized customers is carried out every 3 months, referring to changes in the realization of macroeconomic parameters, namely: exchange rates, Indonesian Crude Price (ICP), inflation, and Reference Coal Price (HBA).

Tenang! Tarif Listrik Takkan Naik Sampai Maret 2024

Based on these provisions, the macroeconomic parameters used for the first quarter of 2024 are the realization in August, September, and October 2023, namely the exchange rate of Rp15,446.85/USD. Meanwhile, the world crude oil price (ICP) is around US$86.49 per barrel, inflation is 0.11 percent, and the HBA is 70 USD/ton according to the Coal DMO policy.

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